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Group Urges Libyan Stakeholders To Compromise To Advance Unification

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The Economic Working Group (EWG) of the International Follow-up Committee on Libya has urged Libyan stakeholders to make a compromise so as to advance national unification, the UN mission in Libya said Tuesday.

The EWG Co-Chairs held a meeting on Monday with senior Libyan senior officials to “discuss the budget impasse and explore options to address the country’s pressing needs,” the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) said in a statement.

The EWG Co-Chairs encouraged the Libyan government, the parliament, and other Libyan actors to find realistic compromise solutions and lay the groundwork for measures to advance the unification of the country and provide services to the Libyan people, the statement said.

“The Co-Chairs noted that making progress on the budget can serve as a significant step toward additional political compromise and consensus that is urgently needed at this stage of the political process,” the statement added.

The Co-Chairs also reiterated the support of the international community to help advance these efforts. (NAN) 

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