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Abba Kyari Deletes Facebook Post Explaining Link With Hushpuppi

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Abba Kyari , the embattled Deputy Commissioner of Police, has deleted a post on his verified Facebook account after the Federal Bureau of Investigation alleged that alleged fraudster and money  laundering suspect, Abass Ramon, aka Hushpuppi, paid N8m or $20,600 to the police officer to arrest and detain a “co-conspirator,” Chibuzo Vincent.

Upon his indictment last week, Kyari had on July 29, 2021, issued a defence against the allegation of collusion in an alleged $1.1m fraud against a Qatari businessman but he deleted the post on Tuesday night after many Nigerians highlighted the logical gaps in his denial.

 African Examiner recalls that the United States District Court for the Central District of California had accused Kyari, Hushpuppi and four others of fleecing the Qatari investor of $1.1m.

Kyari, who has 447,353 followers on Facebook as of the time of filing this report, had taken to the social media page to issue his denial against the allegations by the US court.

Kyari had stated that Hushpuppi raised the alarm that Vincent wanted to take his life. The cop, however, disclosed that upon the arrest of Vincent, investigation indicated that “they (Hushpuppi and Vincent) are long-time friends who have money issues between them hence we released the suspect on bail to go”.

He added, “Nobody demanded a kobo from Abbas Hushpuppi. Our focus was to save people’s lives that were purported to have been threatened.

“Later, he (Hushpuppi) saw some of my native clothes and caps on my social media page and he said he likes them and he was connected to the person selling the clothes and he sent about N300k (N300,000) directly to the person’s account. The native clothes and caps (five sets) were brought to our office and He sent somebody to collect them in our office.”

Kyari subsequently deleted his “N300,000” Facebook post after the FBI accusation became public. He also deleted a third-party post authored by a former minister in his defence.


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=66253

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