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After Several Weeks, El-Rufai Recovers From Coronavirus

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – After over three weeks of being tested positive, the Kaduna State Governor, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai has recovered from dreaded coronavirus.

Just like he did on March 28, El-Rufai disclosed his present state of health Wednesday via his Twitter handle.

The tweet read: “I am delighted to report today, that after nearly four weeks of observing a strict medical regime, I have now received the all-clear after two consecutive negative test results.”

 “My family not only went through the trauma of potentially losing a member but also the risk of being infected as well. The entire family has been supportive as usual, while my many friends and colleagues from all over the world have sent their prayers and best wishes”.

Governor El-Rufai posted further:  “I wish to thank the diligent medical personnel of our Ministry of Health and the Barau Dikko Teaching Hospital who managed my case for their dedicated and professional care.

“It was cheering to see the determined efforts of our COVID-19 Task Force chaired by the Deputy Governor, the officials of our Ministry of Health ably led by the Commissioner and our security/enforcement agencies, to manage and contain the spread of COVID-19 in the state.

“I wish to acknowledge Balarabe for her reassuring leadership of our team in my absence. Our senior officials have demonstrated admirable commitment and the flexibility to provide governance in circumstances that are so different from the old normal

“The commitment, competence and capabilities displayed by the Kaduna State Government in my four-week absence is clear evidence that we have a public service we can all be proud of”.

It will be recalled that El-Rufai after being tested positive for COVID-19 announced to the public March 28, through his Twitter handle. 


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