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Anambra Guber: Swallow Your Pride and Accept Defeat, Observers Tell Losers

Ignatius Okpara, Enugu

Accredited Independent Observers in the just concluded Anambra state Governorship election, made up of civil society groups, have called on losers in the poll to swallow their pride and join hands with the winner, Willy Obiano, of All Progressive Grand Alliance APGA, in moving the state forward.

Dr Chris Ngige

Dr Chris Ngige

In a communique issued Thursday signed by coordinator of the group, Comrade Richards Adebayo, and Co-ordinator / public Relations Officer PRO, Comrade Olarewju Peters, and made available to African Examiner in Enugu, the group, stressed the need for politicians to stop seeing election as a do or die affair.

According to them, though, the Independent National Electoral Commission INEC, had some challenges during the November 16th election, which were corrected during the supplementary poll held on 30th November.

The communique read in parts: “As observed by bodies of accredited civil society groups, the Anambra state election was another journey towards sustaining our had earned democracy, in view of the concerted efforts made by the national electoral umpire.

“The concluded Anambra state governorship elections showcased the progress of democracy in Nigeria so far”.

“Though, the election had some few challenges which was quickly addressed by the supplementary  election,which was necessary because of protest at some quarters”.

“it was on that note of the protest that the supplementary election was conducted with a view to correcting the errors and provide a more acceptable credible free and fair election”.

The group, observed that President Goodluck  Jonathan, provided a level playing ground for one man one vote situation during the election, just as INEC did its best in also providing all necessary logistics needed for the exercise.

It also noted that the non sensitive and sensitive materials for the elections arrived various polling units on time, adding that the Governor Peter Obi, led government in the state carried out enough sensitization as a means of encouraging the electorate to come out en mass to vote.

While advising INEC to ensure adequate sanitization and training of its staff and other electoral officers in future elections so as not to bring image of the commission to disrepute, it commended security personnel for maintaining law and order during and after the election.

They expressed satisfaction with the people of Anambra state for conducting themselves in a peaceful  manner during the election.

“In view of this great landmarks achievement recorded by the electoral umpire, INEC, we wish to state the following recommendations, that more voters sensitization programes  should be encouraged, so as to avoid various problems relating to voters.

“All issues pertaining to registration of voters should follow appropriate law of the electoral act.

The communique continued: “in conclusion, we wish to state that the Anambra state governorship election which was conducted on 16th november/supplementary election concluded on saturday 30th 2013  was free and fair .

“Therefore we call on the losers that they should accept defeat and join hands together with the winner to move the state forward as the interest of all the Anambra state people and our children yet unborn should be paramount above personal interest”


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=5641

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