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Apo killings: Group Demands Independent Probe

By Eric Ojo
Nigeria's police boss, MD Abubakar

Nigeria’s police boss, MD Abubakar

Disturbed by the increasing spate of extra-judicial killings and protracted delay in the dispensation of justice in Nigeria, the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) has urged the Federal Government to urgently raise an independent panel to investigate the recent brutal killings allegedly perpetrated by some security agents at the Apo Legislative Quarters in Abuja.

The Centre also called on the Security Committees in both chambers of the National Assembly to look into the cause of the gruesome attack which left no fewer than eight persons dead and several others wounded, in order to prevent reoccurence.
CISLAC lamented that Nigerians have suffered series of unjustified extra-judiciary killings, mutilations, assaults, brutalities and cruelties in the hands of security agents in recent times, adding that the rising incidents of injustice have triggered unpalatable reactions from the citizens, who have decided to seek justice and express their grievance by constituting themselves as insurgents and taking arms and ammunition against government.
The group further alleged that security forces have hidden under the on-going ethno-religious struggles in the country to launch series of baseless attacks on innocent citizens, noting that hundreds of innocent families have undergone various terrible pains, emotional trauma, sorrowful experience from the reprisal attacks by the armed insurgents, militants, terrorists.
The Centre said the nonchalant attitude of the Federal Government towards the security situation in the country has sent a wrong signal to ethnic-religion terrorist militias and security forces thereby setting a regrettable precedence.
“Nigerian would soon present its Universal Periodic Review (UPR) report on Human Rights/Business and it is unfortunate that this Human Rights brutality of innocent citizens continue to happen”, CISLAC further observed in a statement issued on Friday in Abuja.
To redress the situation, the group said government should instantly step-up security situation in the country to protect lives and property of the people from further violence and ensure that the perpetrators of such dreadful act against innocent citizens do not go unpunished, as they are proven enemies to the peace and unity of the country.
The statement also recommended the establishment of a reliable institution to check the excess of security forces in the country should be prioritized and that there should be proper investigation by the security agents before swooping down on suspected areas.
“All well-meaning Nigerians should use every available constitutional means to ensure that justice is done and challenge the unlawful activities of security apparatus. CISLAC however commends previous and current prompt responses of human right groups,  media  and other well-meaning Nigerians who continuously strive to ensure culprits of such awful attacks are brought to book”, the statement stressed.


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