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Coup: EU Suspends Budget Support In Niger, Calls For Immediate Release Of Bazoum

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The European Union (EU) has stated that it has suspended its budget support in Niger Republic over the military coup.

The African Examiner recalls that Amadou Abdramane, a colonel-major, announced the removal of President Mohamed Bazoum from office in a late-night address on Wednesday.

Also, Abdramane dissolved the country’s constitution and suspended all institutions and closed the borders.

In a statement on Saturday, Josep Borrell, EU high representative, stated that the EU does not recognise and will not recognise the authorities resulting from the coup in Niger.

According to Borrell, Bazoum was democratically elected and remains the only legitimate president of Niger and the EU demanded for his release “unconditionally and without delay”.

“The EU holds the putschists accountable for his safety and that of his family. The announcement by the putschists of the suspension of the constitution and the dissolution of democratic institutions weakens the state and the people of Niger whose peace, stability and security must be preserved,” the EU said.

 “The European Union reiterates its very clear calls for the full restoration, without delay, of the constitutional order and fully associates itself with the declarations of ECOWAS and its African and international partners in this regard.

“In coordination with the President of the European Council, I will continue this weekend the many contacts already underway in order to achieve this result. And we stand ready to support ECOWAS’s upcoming decisions, including the adoption of sanctions.

“This unacceptable attack on the integrity of Niger’s republican institutions will not remain without consequences for the partnership and cooperation between the European Union and Niger in all its different aspects.

“In this respect, in addition to the immediate suspension of budget support, all security cooperation activities are suspended sine die with immediate effect.”


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=89737

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