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Demolition: Nigeria Won’t Engage in Street Fight With Ghana – Presidency

By Nwa Diokpa

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The Presidency has stated on Wednesday that the Federal Government will not engage Ghana in “street fight” because of a demolition of a building on the premises of the Nigerian High Commission in Accra, Ghana.

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, emphasized this in an interview with State House correspondents.

It will be recalled that some armed men demolished a building in the premises of the Nigerian High Commission in Ghana and even though the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geofrey Onyeama, had stated that Ghana had apologised for the act, many have faulted this like the House of Representatives.

The angry lawmakers dismissed calls for diplomatic negotiations and calls for retaliation.

However, the presidential spokesperson stated that the issue could be resolved diplomatically as Ghana’s president, Nana Akufo-Addo, has shown leadership by calling President Buhari.

He said: “The President of Ghana has called and regretted the action and apologised to the President of Nigeria.

“I think he has shown leadership in the matter and what should Nigeria do? These are two leading countries in West Africa.

“Nigeria will not engage in a street fight with Ghana. This cannot happen.

“So, the two leaders, especially President Muhammadu Buhari, who is much respected in Africa, they all call him ‘Baba’ (father), so he is bound to show restraint.

“Matters such as this when they arise, it is always better when they arise, they should be resolved diplomatically. No, there shouldn’t be a fight between Nigeria and Ghana, this will not happen.”


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