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Despite Govt Denying Petrol Price Hike, Independent Marketers Still Sell Above N200 In Enugu

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Despite the assurances by the federal government of Nigeria, that it has not  increase the pump price of  Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) petrol, Independent markers of the product in Enugu state, have hiked the price to  above 200 for a litre.

 Minister of Labour and Employment, Senator. Chris  Nwabueze Ngige, had on Friday in a statement, issued  by Mr Charles Akpan, Deputy Director, Press and Public Relations unit in the ministry, said that “the Federal Government had assured the tripartite labour community of the organised labour, private sector and indeed all Nigerians that there is currently no increase in the price of PMS.

He said “There would be no increase in the price of PMS for now, as discussions are ongoing between government and  organized  labour  as well as other stakeholders on the matter” he said.

 “I have made contact with the relevant authorities, the Federal Ministry of Petroleum Resources and the NNPC and wish to assure members of the public that there is no such increase for now.

“We have an ongoing discussions and standing committees comprising labour  and government,’’ he said.

The  members  of  the government   team comprised of the offices of the Vice President and Secretary to the Government of the Federation.

However, our  Correspondent  Who  monitored the situation in parts of the state  this weekend,  reports that non  of  the  major markers such as Fort oil, Mobil,  Total Oando , among others have been selling the products since Thursday  and the controversial PPRA pump price increase filtered the air. 

The development, has also affected prices of virtually all commodities including transportation.

As at Saturday, all the  independent petroleum  Marketers  were  still selling a litre of petrol between 200 and 215 naira per a litre.

Meanwhile, some motorists who spoke to our Correspondent Ignatius Okpara, under condition of anonymity  on the  development, called on the federal government through the Department of Petroleum Resources DPR, to as a matter of urgency set up a special Task force to monitor the arbitrary increase of pump price  by Shylock and greedy independent marketers, particularly in South East Nigeria.


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