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Enugu Discharges One Covid-19 Patient

From Ignatius Okpara, Enugu

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The Enugu State Ministry of Health has discharged one patient who had earlier tested positive of the dreaded Coronavirus disease after treatment and Isolation for the

African Examiner reports that the Nigeria Centre for Decease Control NCDC had announced 2 cases of COVID 19 in Enugu that have been in Isolation and receiving care.

According to the statement issued Wednesday evening by the state Commissioner for Health, Associate Prof. Ik Obi In Enugu, “one of them is now Negative for the Corona virus and has been discharged.

He added that “the other person is stable and responding very well to treatment.

“We encourage all persons to continue to stay home, maintain hand and respiratory hygiene, wear a face mask in line with the NCDC’s advisory and maintain physical distancing” Professor Obi advised.


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