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Enugu Lawmaker Arraigned, Remanded In Prison Over IDPs Fund Fraud

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The Enugu State Police Command has  arraigned the embattled Councillor representing Umualor Ward in Isi-Uzo Council of Enugu State, Hon. Maxwell Aluagbo in court over  alleged fraud and embezzlement of  N1.1m meant for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in his constituency.

Our Correspondent writes that  the  33 year old suspended  male Councillor was arraigned before Magistrate Court 7, in Enugu East local government area weekend  on a one count criminal charge.

The charge sheet marked CME/478/C/2023 read thus: “That you, Aluagbo Maxwell ‘m’, on the 3rd day of March, 2023 at Ikem in Isi-Uzo Magistraterial District holden in Enugu did by false pretence and with intent to defraud, obtained the total sum of One Million, One Hundred Thousand Naira (N1,100,000.00) from Isi-Uzo Local Government Legislature with the pretence to use same for palliatives and relief support of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) in Umualor, a promise you knew to be false and committed an offence contrary to Section 1 (1) (b) and (c) and punishable under Section 1 (3) of the Advance Fee Fraud and other Fraud Related Offences Act, Laws of Federation of Nigeria 2006 as applicable in Enugu State”.

He was consequently remanded in the Enugu correctional custodial centre.

The court presided by the Magistrate, Mrs. N. Esso, adjourned the matter  to August 22, 2003.

Isi-Uzo Legislative Council had on Wednesday, July 6, 2023, suspended Hon. Aluagbo for allegedly embezzling the funds meant for intervention programme for persons, who took refuge at Umualor and other IDP camps in the Council area following the Eha-Amufu-herders crisis that led to loss of lives and property.

Moving a motion for Aluagbo’s suspension, Majority Leader of the legislative Coubcil who is also the Councilor representing Neke Ward 2, Hon. Nnabuike Ugwu, expressed concern over the petitions by stakeholders and leaders of Umualor community that the said fund was yet to get the community many  many months after it was released to their Councillor.

Commenting on the debate,  the Leader of Isi-uzo Legislature, Hon. Irenus Anene Nnaji, described the allegations as serious and unfortunate, saying it was a sacrilege for anyone to tamper with funds meant to deliver democracy dividends to the people of Isi-Uzo, let alone funds meant for IDPs.


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