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FIFA Dangles Sanctions On Nigeria, Extends Grace Till Friday

By Niyi Adeyi

The World Football Governing body, FIFA has given the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) till Friday, October 31, 2014 to settle its interna crisesl, failure of which it will slam it with sanctions.

FIFA had last week after Justice Ambrose Allagoa of a Jos High court, sacked the recently elected Amaju Pinnick as NFF President and reinstated a factional head, Chris Giwa, gave Nigeria till Monday to put its house in order or be banned from participating in the FIFA organized matches.

The World soccer body in a letter to Nigeria signed by its Secretary-General, Jerome Valcke and addressed to Pinnick, FIFA stated that the extension grace was to give enough time and enable the NFF executive members, to resolve their differences. It in addition threatened the country that it would earn an indefinite suspension if failed to toe the amicable line.

Similarly, the FIFA indicated its readiness to impose sanctions by directing in the letter to Pinnick, that should NFF fail to present to it, the proof that the case purportedly sacked the glass house President (Pinnick), has been definitively been withdrawn from court and the board elected on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 in Warri, Delta state, was allow to function, without undue interference, it would refer the matter to its (FIFA) Emergency Committee to deliberate on and effect necessary punishment, among of which are ban and suspension.

It would be recalled the FIFA among other submissions last week cautioned Nigeria that if it banned the country now, the decision would remain until its 65th Congress, which holds May 29, 2015!


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