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IGP Redeploys DIGs And AIGs, Tasks Them On Professionalism

Muyiwa Bamidele, Abuja

The Inspector-General of Police, Mohammed Abubakar, has approved the redeployment and posting of Four Deputy Inspector General of police and three  Assistant Inspector General of Police .

Nigeria’s police boss, MD Abubakar

Nigeria’s police boss, MD Abubakar

This is coming on the heels of the recent disengagement from the Force, of two (2) retired DIGs and the promotion and subsequent decoration of two new DIGs and three AIGs.

According to the Posting and Redeployment Order dated 27th January, 2014, DIG Atiku Y. Kafur,  who was in charge of the Department of Research and Planning now heads the Department of Training.

The Department of Research and Planning is now headed by DIG Abdulrahaman O. Akano,  who until his recent posting was in-charge of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

DIG Zuokumor Michael,  – one of the two newly promoted DIGs- is now in charge of the Department of Operations. DIG Zuokumor was until his recent promotion, the AIG in-charge of Zone 4 with Headquarters in Makurdi.

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is now headed by DIG Jonathan Johnson (also recently promoted). He was before now, the AIG in-charge Zone 6, Calabar.

Three other DIGs retained their previous postings. They are: DIG Suleiman Dauda Fakai, NPM,  in charge of the Department of Finance and Administration; DIG Emmanuel Udeoji,  in charge of the Department of Logistics and DIG Peter Gana,  in charge of the Force Criminal Investigation Department.

All the DIGs are automatic members of the Police Management Team.   In a related development, the IGP has also ordered the posting of the three (3) newly promoted Assistant Inspectors-General of Police (AIGs).

Accordingly, AIG Kakwe C. Katso, is now posted to National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Jos, as a Directing Staff (DS).

In the same vein, AIG Fana A. Salisu who was previously the CP Force Quarter Master is now the AIG in charge of Works, FHQ, Abuja while AIG Musa A. Daura, is now the AIG in charge of Zone 6, Calabar. Similarly, CP Adeola Adeleke Adeniji, now holds forte at Zone 4 Headquarters Makurdi.   While wishing the officers success in their new assignments, the IGP enjoined them to provide effective leadership for their subordinate officers and intensify the war against terrorism and all shades of crimes.



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