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Look Into Issue That Cause Coups, Atiku Tells African Leaders

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – A former Nigerian vice-president, Atiku Abubakar, has enjoined African leaders to look into the root cause of the recent spike in coups across the continent.

 Atiku took to his Twitter account on Thursday as he reacted to the recent coup in Gabon.

According to him, the military takeovers are disturbing and they call for introspection.

“The coup in Gabon stands condemned,” Atiku said.

“Democracy and democratic governance have come to stay as a preferred form of government, and everything should be done to enthrone, nurture, and sustain it.

“As I suggested in the case of the Niger Republic, the ECOWAS and African Union authorities should open a window of diplomatic engagement that will pave the way for the soldiers to return to the barracks.

“The latest coup brings the number of military takeovers in Central and West Africa to 8 since 2020. This is worrisome and calls for introspection.

 “We may have to focus on dealing with the disease and not the symptoms that birth coups.”


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=90551

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