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NEMA Confirms 65 Killed, 136 Injured In Weekend’s Boko Haram Attack In Borno

By Ignatius Okpara, Enugu

BALTIMORE, MD (AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), has confirmed that a total of 65 persons lost their lives and 136 sustained various degrees of injuries during weekend attacks by the Boko Haram insurgents on Dalori village in Borno State.

Dalori, which is less than 10km from Maiduguri, the Borno state capital, came under attacks on Saturday evening.

This was made known to AFRICAN EXAMINER on Monday in a statement issued by NEMA’s Senior Information Officer, Sani Datti.

He said on receiving the news, NEMA’s Emergency Response Team immediately mobilized for rescue alongside other stakeholders such as the “Police Anti bomb Squad, NSCDC, Nigerian Army, and Federal Road Safety Corps and Nigerian Red Cross”.

According to him, “Victims were evacuated to Umaru Shehu Hospital, University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital and Borno General Hospital for medical” attention.

The NEMA Spokesman, added that the community buried 25 corpses, beside those that were taken to the hospitals.

He confirmed that the “insurgents came into the village and started shooting sporadically.

“This put the villagers and the neighborhood into pandemonium and they started running helter-skelter.

“Some of the villagers that succeeded in moving out including those in the nearby IDPs camp (Dalori Camp II) converged under a big tree where people normally gathered in the evening to do menial trading activities.

“Unknown to them, one of the suicide bombers sneaked into the midst of the gathering and detonated explosive devices killing scores of people and injuring many”.



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