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Over 800 Million People Are Hungry Globally – German NGO

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – One of the largest private aid organizations in Germany, Welthungerhilfe has hinted that more than 800 million people are currently going hungry around the world.

Welthungerhilfe is politically independent and non-denominational organization that is  fighting hunger around the world and is focusing it works around the Sustainable Development Goal 2 (Zero Hunger by 2030).

Since its establishment in 1962, has supported more than 9,830 overseas projects in 70 countries with €3.95 billion, the organization works on the principle of help to self-help, from fast disaster relief to reconstruction and long-term development cooperation projects with national and international partner organisations.

In addition, it’s actions are guided by the conviction that all people are equal in value, they have inalienable rights, and they should be able to control their own lives.

Welthungerhilfe made the observation ahead of presenting its Global Hunger Index in Berlin on Thursday. It’s Global Hunger Index indicates where progress has been made and the countries in greatest need.

General Secretary of Welthungerhilfe, Mathias Mogge said there were currently 811 people enduring hunger around the world, with 41 million facing imminent starvation.

“We have deviated drastically from the aim of Zero Hunger by 2030, with hunger on the march again. The current Global Hunger Index shows that 47 countries will not even reach a low hunger level by 2030”, he told Germany’s RND news agency.

The organization, according to him, promotes political initiatives to contain conflict globally and financial efforts to combat acute hunger. He also attributed the worsening situation to conflict, climate change and the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Violent conflict had increased over the past year. Wherever there is war, harvests, fields and infrastructure are destroyed and people flee their villages”, he further explained.

Similarly, in an interview with the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper, the German Development Minister, Gerd Mueller decried the effects of the pandemic, conflict and climate change.

 “Millions are on the street unemployed, supply chains have been interrupted, food prices are rising. This had caused 130 million people to fall back into hunger and poverty”, he stressed.


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