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Rawlings Tasks Ghanaians on COVID-19

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Former Ghana’s President, Jerry John Rawlings, has cautioned Ghanaians not to let down their guard on the dangers of the Covid-19 virus till is over.

Rawlings gave this warning when Ex-Private Ashiteye Hammond, a World War II vetera,  paid him a courtesy call.

Rawlings said: “I don’t want to take any chances and I think we should all cooperate to handle the pandemic as seriously as we can.”

African Examiner reports that Ex-Private Hammond undertook a seven-day walk a couple of weeks ago to raise funds for frontline health workers dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. 

He walked a total of 14 miles, doing two miles a day.

Rawlings described the effort by Ex-Private Hammond as a noble cause and urged everyone to support the fundraising campaign. He pledged $1000 towards the fund.


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=52717

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