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Shun Protest In The Interest Of Peace, DSS Urges Labour

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) –  – The Department of State Services (DSS) has appealed to the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), to shelve its planned protest in the interest of peace and public order.

The NLC had last Friday, declared a two-day nationwide protest over the hardship being experienced by Nigerians as well as the deteriorating security situation in the country.

But in a statement by its spokesperson, Peter Afunanya, the DSS called on parties to pursue dialogue and negotiation rather than engaging in conducts that could heighten tensions.

It stated that the government at all levels are striving to ameliorate the prevailing economic condition and as such, should be given benefit of the doubt.

“The attention of the Department of State Services (DSS) has been drawn to plans by sections of the organised labour to stage protests between 27th and 28th February 2024 in parts of the country over sundry economic issues,” the statement partly read.

“While the Service recognises such action as the legitimate right of the labour movement, it, however, urges the body to shelve the plan in the interest of peace and public order.

“The DSS further calls on parties to pursue dialogue and negotiation rather than engaging in conducts that could heighten tensions. This is more so that the Service is aware that some elements are planning to use the opportunity of the protest to foment crisis and by extension, widespread violence. The development, without a doubt, will worsen the socio-economic situation across the country.”


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