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Take Away Sanctions Imposed On Niger Republic, NEF Tells Tinubu

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The Northern Elders Forum (NEF) has enjoined President Bola Tinubu to remove economic sanctions imposed on Niger Republic, in the wake of the coup in the neighbouring nation.
The African Examiner recalls that democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum was deposed on July 26 as the military junta has dissolved the constitution, suspended all institutions and closed the borders.

Also, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), in its second extraordinary meeting, directed the deployment of standby military troops to restore constitutional order in Niger Republic.

ECOWAS, chaired by President Tinubu, had imposed economic sanctions on Niger, with Nigeria also cutting off electricity supply and trade with its neighbour.

Ango Abdullahi, NEF convener, in a statement on Tuesday stated that the use of force is not likely to achieve the goal of restoring constitutional order in Niger Republic.

“Northern Elders Forum (NEF) had chosen to observe events and reactions in Niger Republic since the coup d’etat in that country a few weeks ago,” Abdullahi said.

“Our decision to watch and refrain from open comments was informed by a number of reasons.

“First, we joined millions of Nigerians and Africans in rejecting in totality any attempt to overthrow the constitutional order by the Nigerien military.

“Nigerians had been encouraged by a number of visits from Nigeria to Niger Republic which suggested that the diplomatic option is open, and that Nigeria has the potential to influence developments in Niger.

“Nigeria should remove all sanctions and other measures intended to force the government and people of Niger into acquiescence.

“This will make negotiations led by Nigeria, using all assets that both countries value, easier to conduct.

“The use of force against Niger should be ruled out.

“It is unlikely to achieve the goals of restoring the constitutional order and improving the frontiers of democratic systems in West Africa. It will compound the security and humanitarian crises in the ECOWAS region.

“NEF commends all leaders and persons of influence, including the Nigerian senate, who are contributing to a genuine resolution of the situation in Niger Republic,” he said.

 “We urge President Tinubu to recognise this unique moment in history and conduct himself in a manner that it records his role as defining statesmanship.

“We appeal to the people of Nigeria and Niger, as well as our leaders, to resist any attempt to poison our centuries of relationship.”


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