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Why I’ll Be Visiting Aso Villa Frequently – Jonathan

(AFRICAN EXAMINER)- Former President, Goodluck Jonathan, has stated that he will be visiting Aso Villa frequently now that Nigeria chairs the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

 The African Examiner recalls that on July 9, President Bola Tinubu was elected chairman at the 63rd ordinary session of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government in Bissau, the capital city of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau.

Speaking on Tuesday after meeting with Tinubu at the state house, Jonathan stated that as the head of the ECOWAS mediation team to Mali and chair of the West African elders’ forum, he is obligated to discuss “issues bordering on the continent and the subregion” with the Nigerian president.

“Now that we are lucky our president has been appointed as the chairperson of the authorities of ECOWAS’ Authority of Heads of State and Government, I will be coming every week,” he said.

“So Nigerians should not be surprised, because we have a lot of challenges in the sub-region and those are the things we are discussing.

“I came to brief the president about some continental and subcontinental bodies. I am the ECOWAS mediator for Mali and I’m the chair of the West African elders forum. So, there are certain issues bordering on the continent and the subregion that I discuss with various presidents.”



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