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Why Nigerians Should Consider A Female President – Obasanjo

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Former Nigerian President, Olusegun Obasanjo, has tasked Nigerians to consider electing a female president to accelerate the growth and development of the country.

 Obasanjo made this statement in the 5th edition of the Egba Dialect Debate and Choral Competition for Secondary Schools in Ogun state.

 The former Nigerian leader emphasised the need for gender equality in nation-building adding that depending solely on one gender would slow down the progress.
According to him, both genders have the necessary experiences to offer and the only biological difference is the ability of women to bear children.

He was of the view that there was nothing stopping a woman from becoming the president of Nigeria.

Deputy Governor of Ogun State, Naimot Salako-Oyedele also expressed concern concerning the underrepresentation of women in governance saying that out of 236 councilors in Ogun state, only 18 are female.


Also, among the 20 chairmen, only two are women, and out of the 26 seats in the House of Assembly, only two are occupied by females.


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