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Youth Agitation, A Catalyst Of Doom On The Nation IF Not Addressed, Says Senator Nnamani

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Ex- Governor of Enugu State, South- East Nigeria, and incumbent Senator, representing Enugu East Senatorial district in the Nigerian Senate, Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani, has advised government  at all levels in the country to as a matter of urgency  find a way of positively responding to youth bulge in the nation’s population.

The Medical Doctor turned politician stated this weekend while  delivering  a public lecture on the occasion of the Annual Leadership Forum, put together  by the Medical Research and Humanitarian Society (MEDRHUS),held  at the Enugu Campus of University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN).

He however, blamed incessant youth restiveness in the country on demographics, stressing that if nothing is done by government to address the situation, appropriately, such development he said, was capable of  spelling  doom for the nation.

According to the lawmaker,   there must be a clear roadmap towards addressing poverty and unemployment on Nigeria, recommending that the youth service year could be increased from one to two or three years.

While x-raying the  State of the Nigeria nation, Nnamani,  identified national transformation, poverty, critical infrastructure, youth bulge, gap crisis, among others as major areas of worries.


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