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Zimbabwe’s Vice President Fights Back Over Multiple Allegations Of Illicit Sex Affairs

 (AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Zimbabwe’s Vice President Kembo Mohadi who is caught in a storm of having office sex with various married women, has claimed he is an innocent victim of well-choreographed attempts to destroy his political career.

Mohadi was elevated by President Mnangagwa into the country’s number two position in 2017 after the military coup that removed former leader Robert Mugabe.

Since last week, Mohadi has been on the news after leaking of a series of voice calls where he is heard inviting married women for sex in his government office or hotels.

There have been speculation about him considering resigning from the government until Wednesday morning when he appeared at the launch of a national data centre and gave a vote of thanks.

He earlier in the week missed Zanu-PF’s Politburo meeting fueling speculation about his resignation.

Following a piling pressure from allegations of having illicit intimate affairs with various married women, Mohadi called an urgent press conference at his government office where he said he was a victim of hacking and voice cloning by “netizens’ bent on destroying his political career.

He distanced himself from what he termed “imagined immoral unions” saying the alleged illicit relationships with two married women are false and well-choreographed to demean his political career as a national leader.

“Fellow Zimbabweans, following recent social media hype about my alleged illicit relationships with two married women, I have decided to come open and respond to the allegations being peddled by my detractors. Despite growing impatient because of weird character assassination, I wish to categorically state that the allegations being levelled against me are not only false but well-choreographed to demean and soil my image as a national leader and patriot. 

“I wish to state that I am innocent and victim of political machinations being peddled through hacking and voice cloning,” he said.

Mohadi said his privacy had been trashed, quoting the country’s constitution which provides for respect of privacy in Section 57 which makes it illegal for any person’s right to private communication be infringed 

“It is against this background that I am categorically distancing myself from imagined unions,” he said.

He termed those alleging to have recordings of his illicit affairs to be netizens who have blended well networked digital architecture to reengineer virtual space form political agendas.

Mohadi said his political future as Vice President lies in the hands of President Mnangagwa.

He declined to take questions from the media.

Mohadi (71) divorced his wife of decades Tambudzani Mohadi after about a decade of a rough relationship and married a fairly younger wife who left him a few months ago.


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=60051

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