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2023: Group Lists Qualities Nigerian President Must Possess

…Urges Electorates To Resist Monetary Inducement

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – As political activities hot-up for the forthcoming 2023 general elections, the Progressive Movement 4 Better Nigeria (PM4BN) has called on Nigerian electorates to unite in their quest to elect only a presidential candidate that can unite the people and build a country the citizens can be proud of.

The National Coordinator of the group, Ms Stella Ezeh made the call at a press briefing to herald the 2023 political activities at Nugget Hotel, Abuja.

Ezeh, popularly known as, Lady Decency, lamented that the country has fallen short of the high expectation placed on her at independence, in 1960 due to the failure of the politicians to see political power as a tool for fostering peace and national development.

She charged the people, particularly the youth and women which constitute the bulk of the voting population to use their votes wisely in electing the desired candidates with requisite skills and capacity to rescue the nation from the current state of precipice.

‘‘One would have thought that after 62 years of independence, Nigeria would have become a financial and business hub, developed and advanced in technology, infrastructure, tourism, social and economic prosperity. ‘But that is not the case, because our politicians have failed to marry politics with economic development. They have failed to see that politics is simply “War without bloodshed,” and also, the “Authoritative allocation of scarce resources”.

‘Indeed, they have failed to see Political power as a tool for fostering national development, and not a personal rod for brutalizing opponents, intimidate citizens, amassing illegal wealth, and betraying the peoples’ trust.’’

According to Ezeh, what Nigeria needs now as a nation is a people-centered and God-fearing Servant- leader working with a progressive Ideology. Such a leader, she said, ‘‘must be detribalize, patriotic, purposeful and determined to unite Nigerians and to run an all- inclusive government.’’

‘‘Such a leader must have respect for the rule of law, the independence of the Press, the sovereignty of the constitution, minority rights and democratic principles.

‘‘The Leader Nigeria needs in 2023 must be one who is both capable and credible enough to tackle the problem of insecurity and lawlessness, even the brute habit of citizens taking the law into their hands and murdering defenseless citizens in the name of doing service to God, or agitating for rights and political inclusion,’’ she added.

While condemning the brazen display of impunity by criminal elements in the country, the PM4BN National leader warned against the continued failure of government in bringing perpetrators to book, saying that ‘‘the kind of heartless killings across the North and South through time have shown that when a crime is not quickly punished, people feel it is safe to do wrong and get away with it.’’

In order to build the dream country with which citizens can be proud of, she urged that the judicial system must be impartial and political and public leaders must be made to account for their stewardship, particularly the ongoing wastages that has led the country to dangerous indebtedness, avoidable inflation, and rising unemployment and poverty it has found itself.

Ezeh also charged the youths to rise with one voice and goal to vote out corrupt and selfish leaders, and replace them with the ones who will pursue justice, fairness, objectivity and progress in all sectors of the economy if Nigeria must be salvaged.

‘‘Leaders that will give the youths and women the chance to contribute their quarter to nation-building, while upholding the rule of law, and guaranteeing internal security, social welfare, economic prosperity, and national pride and prestige.

‘‘Taking peanut to sell our votes and future has for long been the source of power to the bad politician; and the very cause of our powerlessness. We must therefore refuse to be bought and vote for the party and President that will be loyal, responsive, responsible, all-inclusive and accountable to the citizens.

Indeed, knowledge is power; and we have the ability to cause change. No more will we embrace Politics without development. No more religion without love and respect for human life. No more men without women in governance, and no more Leadership without Youths in the driving-seat.’’

The PM4BN is non-profit oriented movement that is out to build a prosperous Nigeria where all citizens can live and prosper in the atmosphere of peace.


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