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Taraba NASS Caucus backs Assembly, declares Gov. Suntai unfit to govern

suntaiThe Taraba state caucus in the National Assembly has intervened in the leadership crisis rocking the state as the lawmakers asked the deputy governor Alh Garba Umar to continue to act as an Acting governor pending the time that the ailing Gov. Suntai is fully recovered.

Addressing newsmen on Friday at the House of Representatives in Abuja, Senator Abubakar Tutare expressed worries that the political crisis in Taraba state is getting out hand even as he vows to resist any plan to hijack the state resources.

Other members of the House of Representatives who attended the caucus briefing are:  Majority Whip, Ishaka Bawa, Ibrahim El Sudi and Aminu Malle, while Jerry Manwe, Albert Sam-Tsokwa and two Senators missed the briefing.

His words:

“Our position is that His Excellency Danbaba Danfulani Suntai is and remains the undisputed Executive Governor of Taraba State. Alhaji Garba Umar should continue serving as Acting Governor as constitutionally enshrined until Governor Danbaba is convincingly fit to steer the affairs of the state.

“we are busy politicking with the health of our amiable Governor His Excellency, Danbaba Suntai. Rather than uniting our people who are peace-loving, dynamic and enterprising, we are busy dividing them and creating unnecessary tension for selfish reasons.

“Without prejudice to the legality or otherwise of the action of the members of the Taraba State House of Assembly, we hereby commend the bold, gallant, resolute and patriotic steps  taken by the Taraba State House of Assembly under the leadership of the courageous Speaker, Haruna Tsokwa”.


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