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ANALYSIS: No Wonder Obasanjo, Jonathan, Opposition Fight To Finish

By Tajudeen Balogun, Head, African Examiner, Nigeria Bureau

Truth is dynamic and it is ever constant. It becomes more interesting when it eventually vindicates somewhat unclear and controversial events, issues or situation. The unfolding political developments in the country within the couple of weeks, between the Nigerian ruling party; the leading opposition as well as the verbal assaults and fireworks between the former President Olusegun Obasanjo and incumbent Goodluck Jonathan in the last 12 months or more, have proved to justify that lies are dispelled with the truth no matter how last it may be. And given the trending scenario, Nigerians and indeed the entire world are most likely to witness and be fed with the news of so many and more amazing, intriguing and shocking developments.

Jonathan-and-Obasanjo-360x225The Presidential ambition of the incumbent Nigerian first citizen had in the past and up till the moment, thrown up many tussles within the ruling PDP. Recall, the infamous letter dated December 2, 2013 by former President Obasanjo to his successor – Jonathan, barring his mind on some key issues bothering his mind, as well as many weighty allegations against Mr. President and his almost four years administration. Ever since, and Jonathan’s words for words reply to the letter, the duo scuffle has been no hold bares, despite series of failed attempts to mediate and successive overtures.

The situation becomes worsen by the personal grudges certain stalwarts of the ruling party had with the prominent Egba Chief as they continuously fanned the embers of the skirmishes between the political godfather and his son with their public spiteful, denigrating and insulting advances, abuses and attacks. Some good examples here are Prince Buruji Kashamu (Ogun State PDP) and incumbent Ekiti State Governor Ayodele Fayose.

Similarly, it is the vested re –election ambition of President Jonathan that brewed the acrimony among some (former) ruling party Governors – formerly identified as the G7, of which five of them in late November 2013, cross carpeted to the opposition – the APC. The Governors have before the defection had raised alarm on unfair treatment against them and had among other demands called for resignation of the immediate past National Chairman of the party, Alhaji Bamangar Tukur.

Again, the emergence, early December last year of the former Head of State, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) has unarguably launched some discomfort within the ruling party. The unabated assaults on him had ranged from the choice and late disclosure of his running mate; from the reckless abuse of “semi – literate jackboot” to the secondary school certificate alleged deficiency and finally (for now) the #Buhari old age debate.

It is very certain that the last is yet to be heard of attacks especially as the two leading and contending political parties have kick started their electioneering campaigns across the country.

In my own reasoning, the most shocking and rather unexpected (public) remarks were dropped Tuesday, this week by the current National leader of the PDP, Alhaji Adamu Mu’azu. At the inauguration of the party’s Presidential campaign organization, Mu’azu exploded in the presence of Mr. President that the “use and dump’ syndrome had gained serious ground in the party. He lamented that the trend has brought many injustices into the ruling fold and linked the development to the exodus in the past, of the key PDP stalwarts (the aggrieved and defected Governors). Many oppositions, he regretted have benefitted from the previous misgivings of the party leadership. Mr. ‘‘Game Changer’’ finally faced the President and requested him to call his Governors and legislators to order to henceforth desist from this damaging mischief.

For the discerning minded folks, you might agree that Mu’azu no doubt majorly targeted President Jonathan. After all, the defected Governors’ differences were majorly with him and Tukur. In a way, Mu’azu point blank shocker was to drive home the proverbial saying: the deaf’s son is a witness in warning to his father.

It is very important here to establish that no intent to hold brief for neither the decamped Governors nor the Balogun of Owu. Still, Mu’azu’s statements would not go just like that as it was definitely lazed with certain undertones.

First, the PDP Chairman might make the statement out of frustration, resulting from some errors he and others might have failed to correct; it may be the Buhari ‘fever’ – difficulty being faced by the PDP to win the coming Presidential election, especially competing with him under a staunch opposition platform. No one could trust politicians, Mu’azu may be all out, playing politics with the situation – that the opposition could not really proud of an impressive real membership, except the ‘hosted’ ones. Politically, that point will garner good scores, yet they all left for the same political desire and purpose, so in the long run, the aggregate point in either way is 50 – 50.

Be that as it may, whatever is the motive behind Mu’azu’s anger against his party’s leadership, one fact that remains is that the PDP has been unjust even to its family members. This brings to the same persistent allegation and accusation which its main opposition have continued to level against it for years.

For instance, the opposition has till the moment accused the ruling party of high handedness against it and its members; it has persistently raised allegation of impunity, disrespect to the rule of law, lopsidedness, unfair treatment and likes. Amongst others were the allegations of brutality against the opposition members during June 21 and August 9, 2014 Governorship elections in Ekiti and Osun respectively. With Mu’azu’s public confession, will it be morally right for anyone to say the opposition was faking some of its unjust accusations. Allow your conscience to judge in this matter, please.

As I mentioned earlier, the campaigns have fully taken off, many actions and reactions are abound now from the major players – political parties and their members. Of course, the public will watch how the games are played and for sure, will unanimously mention which party promotes peace and which one is anti. Similarly, the public will identify and adjudge which of the two big players pronounces justices, embraces and acts it as well which of them is playing a lip service to it.

I must establish here that the ruling party by the latest statement of its national Chairman, portends it is not what it branded itself and portrays the good image it has always been painted. Again, that the fight to finish between Baba Obasanjo, President Jonathan and by extension the leading opposition is a very serious matter. The PDP members should look at the scuffle beyond politics, rather, with critical and independent mind. If the former Head of State grouses about lapses in the management of insecurity and mismanagement of the economy – the facts (insecurity) which has consistently been consented (until yesterday at kick off of his campaign in Lagos), to by Mr. President, I sincerely hold no one should ask for his head. On its own, when the opposition sings the same tune of injustice, replying by labeling, name calling and castigation will be far from a civilized, serious and committed approaches a government or party that prides itself not to be an association of “hooligans” should deploy.

Again, the statement credited to President Jonathan attacking and cautioning the senior citizens and elder statesmen to stop further provocative and “motor garage” utterances was reckless and inconsiderable. Who in the world did not know that Obasanjo was the real target? I am a strong critique of Baba, but for Mr. President, choosing to haul sweeping statement of such magnitude at him is unimaginable of a political son of President Jonathan to his political godfather. I repeat, by this President who Obasanjo handpicked and brought to political limelight. It obviously amounts to nothing, but biting the fingers that feed you, Mr. President.

And the same President and his aides will expect Nigerians to be decorum when addressing him. What is good for gooses should equally be good for the gander. Expectedly, it is in the spirit to fight back that the retired General these days, hits, blasts and attacks un – relentlessly.

Finally, let President Jonathan as a matter of urgency withdraw the insult at Baba Obasanjo, while the PDP watches and shuns its confirmed injustice to all; the opposition to be focus and objective in its reactions and utterances. All of these points matter a lot, as they will be used in addition to position and class the major political players in this part of the world, especially as the country marches to yet another general elections.

OgarAbatirialism; Evil Agenda

(Readers, note please. This sub piece should not be my last or obituary piece. However, if anything untoward happen to me, now or later on, dear colleagues in the trade and the general public know who and who are to face and ask questions from even, if such would not provide satisfactory answers or efforts.)

Deputy Director, Public Relations, DSS, Ms Marilyn Ogar

Deputy Director, Public Relations, DSS, Ms Marilyn Ogar

The woman called Marylyn Ogar has succeeded in the invention of the above theory – the OgarAbatirialsm. She stunned not few Nigerians when made in August after the last Osun governorship final election result was declared a spurious allegation that the security agency – DSS she ‘claims’ to work for, was induced by the State’s ruling party with the sum of N14 million to rig the election in its favour! As we speak, the allegation started and ended ONLY with that false alarm. The same Ogar last year, hurriedly and stoutly defended allegations by the “FG engaged” Australian Boko Haram negotiator, Dr Stephen Davis against a former Chief of Army Staff, then describing Davis as an “impositor”. There are many and more of her evil tendencies, but the latest of all – the allegations against the country opposition’s party on inflation of its membership record and attempt to hack into the INEC database. That’s right. Ogar, Nigerians are telling you that you an enemy of the people and the country. They said you an evil who mistakenly and regrettably lives with the mentally stable and intellectuals. You lied and insulted the sensibilities of over 170 million Nigerians – old and young.

My take. Your claims, no matter how much you packaged it can never be taken serious by a sensible mind anywhere in the world. The same you, first alleged “cloning” but now it is different accusations. Same you, said the suspects have been charged to court, yet investigations continued. So, your (own) agency could prosecute a suspect (s) while the exhibits to push your case were still being gathered. Nigerians and the world listen to Ogar carefully please. Let it be clear to you that it was a semantic noise you were making. Not only the Nigerians did not believe your antics and your masters in dirty deals, but the entire world knows that you are a traitor and spent character. Pity you. And one, of your status will expect her wards to say the simple truth, when the mother depicts the opposite.

OgarAbatirialism. Oga Reuben Abati, kindly be informed that you have a strong rival in the Presidency (only she does not stay there) – someone who is encroaching on your roles and responsibilities. Dr. Abati, you must now buckle up, else you and Dr. Doyin Okupe might be mysteriously edged out, as Madam appears bolder, desperate and diabolical than you and your counterpart. So be warned! When you pay attention closely when reading her speech, you realize and see a woman who is an embodiment of concocted lies. But let me thrill her with two very interesting comments on social media. “To copy this tone, press 1”; “Madam, you are selling Oroki” (a trado multi-purpose syrup brand). All of these were only inferring what you were doing were Awada kerikeri (comedy). But before I urge you to relocate to the Presidency and begin your treacherous rivalry with your counterparts in the Villa, may I ask if you are a career officer or political appointee? If the former is the case, I feel so bad for you, as you have become a big shame to whichever institution of learning you attended; a disgrace to Nigeria women and whichever profession or trade you belong. No one will ever or be proud to associate with a character like you.

And Mr. President corroborated your point yesterday in Lagos, when he affirmed his opposition was cloning PVCs. President Jonathan, there is no need for pretension here; this woman has been acting a script, written by you and your party, all along. If not, Nigerians deafening demand is that she should be asked or redeployed to where she won’t have the privilege to insult the public with her offensives anymore. Still, if you keep her, it means there are still more dirty jobs she has to accomplish for you and your party.

The New Bold Faced Jonathan    

President Jonathan put up a different figure of himself on Thursday in Lagos at the kick off of his campaign for re – election. In as much as he dawn a bold face and image of a good political fighter, I am again confused and lost in SOME of the points – Issues based, if I may say, he made.

President Goodluck Jonathan and his Vice Arc. Namadi Sambo  at the Flag off at the Tafawa Balewa Square  in Lagos on Thursday January 7, 2015

President Goodluck Jonathan and his Vice Arc. Namadi Sambo at the Flag off at the Tafawa Balewa Square in Lagos on Thursday January 7, 2015

Rifle: Well, the President accused his rival of not buying a single one when he was Head of State. So interesting. General, over to you, #issues based campaign, respond now! Nigerians are anxiously waiting. And when doing that, respond to your military junta failure to equip the army as also accused. #issues based campaign, Mr. President said jailing people won’t stop corruption, but via the rule of law and his administration was promoting that. Indeed yes, with Mu’azu’s latest accusations of injustice in the PDP. #issues based voting canvass, President Jonathan berated his opponent’s WAI policy when he was Head of State. Really? #Issues based, the Nigerian President who publicly in his Christmas message (barely two weeks ago) to the country admitted that his government was found wanting, regarding dousing insurgency, made a U – turn and just discovered that the militancy was the creation of the previous administrations (including late Umaru Yar’adua which he was part of), yet now holding him, or his government should not be held accountable! Haba Mr President! There is G…O!

Mr. President, I put it to you that it is clear that you and your team always do a review of your most important public functions, your speeches in such places and their imports. Again, let me confess that, your team – the speech writers, public speaking experts; articulation and gesticulations trainers have done creditably well for you these days. The Thursday Lagos outing presented a new you. Thumbs up for that! But putting up a bold face and making last minute reverse will not and cannot salvage the matter on ground. Rather, you must with that boldness, the like put up at TBS, make all the points as they were. A caution; there were valid points, such as U – Win; the scholarship scheme; the sovereign Wealth Fund policies made by you, but with the exception of those mentioned earlier.

Finally, President Jonathan, remember that those crowd (your opposition prides of the same anyway) you saw and so thrilled about in Lagos were not the only the Nigerians that would thump print come February 14. As a matter of fact, they are more than the thick spectators who graced your declaration yesterday. Therefore, do not be deceived and carried away by their cheers or ‘band wagon’ “yes” chorus and not by your ‘adored’ brand new public presentation skills. I repeat, all of these will not work, but the facts you reel out and people generally subscribe to.

E – Mail: tjaysuccess10@gmail.com; Facebook: Tajudeen Balogun




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