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Army Probes Alleged Involvement Of Some Soldiers In Death Of Abia Hotel Manager

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The Nigerian Army (NA) has expressed deep concern over the alleged unprofessional conduct of some of its personnel in the tragic death of an hotel manager in Umuahia, Abia State, South East, Nigeria.

In response  to the unfortunate incident,  the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) has promptly ordered a comprehensive investigation to ascertain the facts and bring to book anyone found culpable.

“The NA extends its heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased Manager  Mr Achimugu James Etubi  and the Nigerian Air Force Officer Cadet Emmanuel Chidiebere Onyemereche, assuring members of the public that every effort will be made to ensure that justice is served.”

This was contained in a statement issued on Sunday by Major General  Onyema  Nwachukwu Director Army Public Relations 

 He said “The Army is committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and discipline, and therefore any personnel found culpable of wrongdoing will face appropriate legal sanctions.

Furthermore, the NA reaffirms its unwavering dedication to safeguarding the security of all citizens. We remain steadfast in our mission to promote lasting peace and security throughout Nigeria.

“The Nigerian Army is resolute in its pursuit of truth and justice, and we will keep the public informed at the conclusion of the investigation, he concluded.


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