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Bakers Plan Strike Over Rising Cost Of Flour, Sugar

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The Association of Master Bakers and Caterers of Nigeria (AMBCN) has threatened to stop its services nationwide due to the increase in the price of bakery materials, the neglect of the federal government, and also the fleecing of regulatory agencies.

The association announced this on Friday in a communiqué that was issued following a meeting of its national executive council in Abuja.

In the communiqué, signed by the association’s executives, and chaired by Mansur Umar, its national president, the bakers stated that they would commence an initial two-week strike from July 13, 2022.

According to the group, the cost of flour, sugar, and other materials used in the bakery business had increased beyond the reach of many bakers.

“Increase in prices of bakery materials, especially flour and sugar having reached unprecedented levels, for example, flour is now between N25,000 and N27,500, so also other ingredients,” it reads.

“The National Wheat Cultivation Committee already constituted is yet to be inaugurated after over one year. NAFDAC, SON, and NESREA have turned the bakers into money-making machines by charging our member’s outrageous levies even at this very challenging moment.

“Consequently, the NEC in session resolved that all zones, state, Local Governments and units of our association should commence full mobilisation of our members nationwide to embark on withdrawal of services starting from Wednesday, July 13, 2022, for an initial period of two weeks.”

The association, however, informed its members to await further directives.


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