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BMO To Ezekwesili: Declare Where Your Loyalty Lies Between Nigeria, IPOB

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The Buhari Media Organisation (BMO) has derided the latest outburst by Dr Oby Ezekwesili against President Muhammadu Buhari on a miscellany of issues, chief of which is the handling of security by the Buhari-led administration.
The group, in a statement signed by its Chairman Niyi Akinsiju, noted that it has become a convention by Ezekwesili to inundate the public space with a noxious chemistry of bad mouthing and ill-mannered pontification in addressing the person and office of the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces.
“We find it rather curious the way Dr Ezekwesili, now by convention, storms   the public place to vent whatever her frustration or emotion may be. And, even more intriguing is her determination to express her opinion in the most vainglorious manner,” the group said.
Accusing her of deliberately playing Janus with most of her public interventions, BMO said that at a time Nigerians were expecting individuals of stature from the South East to in the wake of the unfortunate but irresponsible killing of two personnel of the American Consulate and two policemen in an ambush in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra, Ezekesili decided to resort to attacking the person of the President.
“Ezekwesili hails from Anambra State where this heinous crime was committed but just as other times when such grand wickedness was perpetrated in that zone of the country, silence is the response from Ezekwesili,” the Group observes in the statement adding that.
“So, for us, this is clearly indicative of barefaced subterfuge. Ezekwesili should come out in the open to declare where her loyalty lies; is it to the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and the Eastern Security Network (ESN) pair of now world’s renowned terrorist organisations or to the good people of Nigeria on whose behalf she hypocritically combusts the public space?
“We dare to say that her conduct smacks of the hypocrisy of desperately desiring to remove the speck in the other person’s eye when, indeed, she carries a log in her own eye.”

The BMO, however, acknowledged her allegation concerning the security situation in the country.

“Of course, her allegation against President Buhari of poorly managing security matters in the country is acknowledged. However, what can be asserted without any equivocation in the management of security matters in the country since President Buhari assumed office, is his undiminished commitment to fighting insecurity wherever it had reared its head in the country.

“This is evinced by the fact that at no time in the history of this country, even at the time she was a Minister in the federal government, had there been the kind of quantum leap in the record of arms, ammunition and variegated platforms made available for the use of the armed forces and the police in the country. And, for this, the people of Borno and other States in Northeastern Nigeria that used to be theatre of mass killings have continued to show gratitude to the President for returning peace to their states”.

The BMO added that security narrative in different parts of the country is changing for good.

“The same narrative is evolving in Zamfara, Kaduna and Katsina States in the North West zone of the country inclusive of Benue, Plateau and Niger States in the North Central zone.
“The pacification of bandits is becoming intense from news constantly emanating from those areas. Unfortunately, the likes of Ezekwesili would, rather, rush to dance naked in the market place anytime there is a single security mishap in all the different theatres of engagement.
” Not once have we heard words encouraging the country’s armed forces during the many times they had recorded successes in engagements against bandits and terrorists, from Ezekwesili.

“Even in the South East, we daily count the numbers of Ipob/ESN operatives that are either neutralised or arrested by security personnel, yet, there had never been a whimper of acknowledgement of the efforts of these personnel from the likes of Ezekwesili,” the group added.(NAN)


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