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Breaking News: No More Ebola In Nigeria, WHO Declares

The World Health Organization (WHO) has finally declared Nigeria officially free of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease (EVD).

After the recommended six weeks without either suspected or confirmed cases of EVD, WHO Monday morning made the declaration, with commendation for swift and coordinated actions by the Nigerian government to curtail the spared of the deadly virus in the country. Senegal was equally given similar clean bill last weekend (Friday).

Nigeria was hit by the Ebola when a Liberian – American Consultant, Patrick Sawyer collapsed at the Lagos airport, later taken to a private hospital, in Obalende, Lagos Island, diagonized and certified to be infected with the deadly disease.

Sawyer, the only Nigeria’s index Ebola case died about two weeks later. The country recorded another six casualties both in Lagos and Rivers states.

WHO has indicated over 4000 people have died since the outbreak of the virus in March this year. Of the figure, another West African country, Liberia according to the world health body has recorded over 2000 victims.

In the meantime, the European Union (EU) Foreign ministers are presently meeting in Luxembourg to discuss how to strengthen their response to the threat posed by EVD.

The countries under EU have already committed over 500m euros (£400m, $600m) while the United Kingdom (UK) has indicated interest to increase her expenses on the fight against the virus.

It would be recalled the Liberian President, Mrs Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who had earlier appealed to US for support on the disease, again yesterday, advocated that the entire world should have a stake on the fight against EVD as it has become a global scourge.



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