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Cameroon’s Vice Prime Minister’s Wife Abducted as 3 Killed by Boko Haram

The Boko Haram insurgents on Sunday, abducted the wife of Cameroon’s Vice Prime Minister, Amadou Ali and killed three people in an attack on the Northern town of Kolofata.

Also, Seini Boukar Lamine, a religious leader and town’s Mayor, was kidnapped in a separate attack against his household.

The Deputy Prime Minister, who was at home to celebrate the Muslim feast of Ramadan with his family, escaped and was taken to a neighboring town by security officials.

Boko Haram militants has in the recent times intensified cross-border attacks into neighbouring Cameroon as the country deployed her national troops to the region to join international efforts in combating  the insurgency.

The Sunday attack was the third since last Friday, in which about four soldiers have been killed in the previous attacks.

Meanwhile, 22 suspected Boko Haram militants, who have been held in Maroua since March this year, were last Friday were sentenced with various tenures ranging from 10 to 20 years.







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