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Easter: Those Seeking To Divide Nigerians Must Not Succeed – Atiku

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar has said that those seeking to divide Nigerians under the guise of religion or ethnicity must not be allowed to succeed.

The flag bearer of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) stated this in his 2023 Easter Message on Saturday.

He said Nigerians must collectively own the nation’s multifarious problems and find solutions to overcome them.

The statement read, “This weekend, we join our Christian brothers and sisters in Nigeria and across the world to commemorate the Easter festivities. This commemoration is a time for deep reflection as it marks the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his victory over death. It is a time to reach out to our brothers and sisters in need.

“It is also a time for all of us — regardless of faith or ethnicity — to come together to pray for the peace of our nation. We must all remain constant in our efforts to promote unity — across all lines — because united, our nation remains stronger, and we can thrive as a people.

“Our shared experiences bring us to the conclusion that no matter what the forces of evil can do, we, as Nigerians, united in doing good, can and shall prevail.

“Our leaders at all levels should follow the virtues that define this season – sacrifice, love, and charity – and come together to help all Nigerians resolve the differences that divide us.

“We must not allow those who seek to divide us to pretend as if our problems are a result of another ethnic or religious group. We must collectively own our problems and collectively find solutions to overcome them.”



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