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Edo Lawmakers Feud Escalates as Factions engaged in another free- for – all

Ignatius Okpara, Benin

The leadership crisis rocking the Edo state House of Assembly escalated on Wednesday as the factions battled to control the polarized legislature.

The  free for all which ensued between APC and PDP members resulted in the smashing of some glass doors in the Assembly complex.

The renewed crisis which entered its third day began on Wednesday when nine minority members of PDP lawmakers led by the suspended Deputy Speaker, Festus Ebea, stormed the hallowed chamber for the day’s legislative business.

However, the 15 APC lawmakers led by the Speaker, Uyi Igbe, also came into the chamber few minutes later and this led to a free for all, as the lawmakers openly exchanged blows. But the quick intervention of the state Commissioner of Police, Mr Foluso Adebanjo, calmed the frail nerves.

The CP, immediately entered into a closed door meeting with the feuding parties in the hallow chamber. Shortly after the arrival of the state CP, into the legislative complex, located around the popular Kings square, security was beefed up as sniffer dogs, Armoured Personnel Carrier and police vans were stationed around.

Major roads leading to the King Square were also condoned off. The development crippled the usual commercial activities in and around the location.


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