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Enugu NASS Member Pat Asadu Uses Thugs To Disrupt Community Soccer Game –Kinsmen

…Also Kinsmen Dispel Fake News On Ekweremadu

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Kinsmen of the member representing Nsukka/ Igbo-Eze South Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Dr. Pat Asadu, have accused the lawmaker of allegedly using thugs to disrupt the grand finale of its 2020 edition of Ovoko community annual football competition.

They equally dismissed reports that former Deputy Senate president, Ike Ekweremadu, who was the special guest of honour  at the event was chased away from the venue, describing the reports as sponsored fake news and calculated attempt by mischief makers to tarnish the image of the ex-Speaker of the ECOWAS parliament.

A statement made available to African Examiner in Enugu singed by Ovoko Football Association (OFA) Chairman, Mr. Nnaemeka Onaragu, and public Relations officer PRO, Mr. Onyebuchi Ugwu, frowned over alleged attempts by Dr. Asadu to politicise the Community’s annual sports tournament.

“The Executive Committee and entire members of Ovoko Football Association (OFA) expressed displeasure over the attempts to politicise the 2020 edition of the Ovoko Annual Football League.

“We are also surprised at the sponsored fake news that former Deputy Senate President, Chief Ike Ekweremadu, was chased or whisked away from the grand finale of the 2020 edition of Ovoko football competition. 

“The report was mischievous, unfounded, and sponsored by enemies of progress, who tried to scuttle the event but without success. 

It added that “the Senator performed the official kick-off amid fanfare before proceeding to the venue of reception where our people turned out enmasse, both young and old, to honour and appreciate him. 

“Peddlers of the fake news are yet to provide any pictorial or video evidence to support their falsehood and we are disappointed. 

“Even though the national daily has pulled down the offensive story, we are disappointed at their failure to investigate such a serious allegation before going to press with it.

Meanwhile, we are dismayed by the weighty allegation by Member representing Nsukka/Igbo-Eze South Federal Constituency, Hon. Pat Asadu, that OFA politicised the 2020 edition of the tournament by seeking and accepting sponsorship from Chief Ekweremadu, and by also inviting him to kick-off the grand finale.

“We are equally disappointed at Asadu’s allegation that we organised the grand finale despite a court injunction restraining us from doing so.

“There is no truth to these. The fact remains that we first approached Hon. Asadu to sponsor the front of the jersey for N500,000, but he bluntly refused, insisting that we had gotten enough money. 

“We therefore, reached out to Chief Celestine Okanya, who paid for it, but preferred that the name of his friend, Chief Ekweremadu, be written at the front of the jersey because he planned to invite him as the Chief Guest of honour to kick-off the grand finale. 

“Likewise, former Chairman of Igbo-Eze South LGA, Hon. Festus Ozioko, sponsored the back of the jersey, but preferred the Governor’s name to be written on it instead.

“So, where is the politics in having the name of a well-known sports enthusiast and promoter on our jersey as preferred by the sponsor, Chief Okanya, when he (Asadu) was the first to be offered the opportunity, but turned it down?

“As a matter of fact, Asadu is still owing us the sum of N200,000 he pledged when we conferred an award on him about six years ago.

“Furthermore, there is no court order directed at OFA to stop the tournament. We are a law-abiding organisation. 

“But assuming, without conceding, that there was such order, why not charge us with contempt of court rather than send thugs led by his Personal Assistant, Eze Chinedu aka Ojemba, to dismantle our goalposts? Why resort to thuggery and intimidation of the community in a failed bid to stop our event?

“We thank the youth and people of Ovoko for standing their ground and Rev. Fr. Felix Ugwuozor for his presence and morale support. 

“But we appreciate His Excellency, Chief Ike Ekweremadu more for coming to Ovoko to successfully perform the official kick-off ceremony of the final grand finale. 

“We are profoundly grateful to him for spending quality time with Ovoko people, for pledging the sum of N1 million support to OFA, for undertaking to replace the goalposts removed by paid miscreants and equally do water projects in our community.

“We remain grateful to him for his love for our youths and community and look forward to future partnership with him. We are solidly for the development of Ovoko, whether it is facilitated from Ovoko, Aninri or wherever. We cannot be intimidated.

When African Examiner contacted Dr. Asadu for his comment on the allegations, he said: “please, please am not interested in any reaction to any statement or allegation. 

“This is new year, and I don’t want to begin the new year with reaction to media statements, so, please they should leave me alone .”


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