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FG Cautions Workers Against Quick Resort To Industrial Action

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The Federal Government says it will no longer tolerate industrial strikes that do not follow due process “, particularly during the transition period of the current administration”.

A statement by Mr Olajide Oshundun, Head of Press and Public Relations in the Ministry of Labour and Employment, said that Sen Chris Ngige, the minister, said this on Thursday in Abuja.

It said he spoke shortly after receiving an “Award of Excellence,” conferred on him by the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) at the 42nd Annual General Meeting/Scientific Conference of the association.

On the review of CONMESS, Ngige said that a committee had already been put in place at the Federal Ministry of Health, which was already working internally.

“It (committee) will swing into action next week, to dialogue with the resident doctors and members of the Joint Health Sector Union (JOHESU),’’ he said.

He therefore, said that there was no need for the doctors to issue a strike threat when the government had put a process in motion to address their concerns.

“The Federal Government will no longer tolerate a strike that does not pass through due process.

“Any group that embarks on strike will be visited with Section 43 of the Trade Dispute Act (TDA), Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN) 2004.

“It says that when a worker goes on strike, especially those on essential services, the employer can also refuse to pay compensation or wages which accompany work done.
“The due process of a strike is that social dialogue negotiation with employers should be explored first.

“In the event of failure, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment office in the affected state or FCT should be notified and, finally, a Trade Dispute Notice (TDN) served,’’ he said.



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