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FIFA Confirms Nigeria Ban Threat is Over, as Keshi Calls for Support Against Bafana-Bafana

FIFA has confirmed that the threat of suspension on Nigeria is over after Aminu Maigari and his board returned to the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) secretariat on Monday.

In a letter sent to the NFF on Tuesday, the world soccer governing body said it has accepted reports that all controversies concerning Nigerian football have been put to rest, adding that there would be no punishment required.

NFF-logo“We noted the return to normalcy in the Nigerian Football Federation and compliance with conditions prescribed by the Emergency Committee of Fifa. The NFF is accordingly not suspended,” said the letter signed by Fifa general secretary Jerome Valcke.

“This return to normality, as indicated in the correspondence from the President of the Nigerian Federation to Fifa in a letter on September 8, has been noted together with the reinstatement and return to work, without hindrance, at the association headquarters in Abuja of the NFF president and staff.”

FIFA however, called for new elections, but warned that ”should the electoral process be affected by any interference or occurrence or any mishap, the case would be referred again – and without prior notice or warning – to the appropriate Fifa bodies for immediate suspension of the NFF until the next Fifa Congress”.

Amid uncertainty at the weekend, Nigeria lost 3-2 to Congo in their opening Nations Cup qualifier for their first home defeat in a competitive match in 33 years.

The African champions will meet the Bafana-Bafana of South Africa in what the hosts have tagged ‘’ a must win match’’ in Cape Town on Wednesday.

Super Eagles coach, Stephen Keshi has however, described Saturday’s loss to Congo as ‘’one of those things’’, while asking Nigerian fans and media to get behind his team in order to sustain the Super Eagles impressive record against their hosts come Wednesday.



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