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Health: Nutritionist Seeks More Centers For Treatment Of Malnourished Children In Enugu

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The Enugu State Nutrition Officer, Mrs Henrietta Ugwu has advocated  establishment of Community Management of Acute Malnutrition(CMAM) centers in all the Local government areas of the state.

She said when the centers are established in the local government areas, more women will be in a better position to access the facilities for their children.

She spoke weekend in  Enugu during the State Ministry of Budget and Planning  and State Committee on Food and Nutrition/ UNICEF Coordination Meeting with Partners and Stakeholders.

Ugwu, insisted that the presence of CMAM in the three senatorial zones of the state was grossly inadequate hence the need for more centers.

She maintained that most women with Malnourished children might not be able to access  the existing  CMAM because of  some factors including lack of funds.

The Enugu State Nutrition Officer  also stressed the need for women to embark on exclusive breastfeeding, stating that it helps the child to be healthy.

She however, urged that  those saddled with the responsibility of effecting changes be empowered, assuring that when they are empowered, Malnutrition will be drastically reduced in the State.

Mrs Ugwu further noted that Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition ( MIYCN),  Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM,)  MiCRONutrient Deficiency Control(MNDC), among others are among their Priority Actions

In a remark at the event, the Nutrition Specialist of UNICEF, Mrs Ngozi Onuorah disclosed that Enugu State is among the top five states with a low practice of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Southern Nigeria.

She equally  hinted  that thousands of children in the state are stunted and are anemic.



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