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How Buhari Wasted Nigeria’s Time For Eight Years – Shehu Sani

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Former Kaduna Central Senator, Shehu Sani says the immediate past president; Muhammadu Buhari is the worst ruler in the history of Nigeria.

Sani made this assertion on Sunday during the launch of the book, ‘The Nigerian Dream’ written by activist Moses Paul as he described President Buhari’s 8-year tenure as a “waste”.

He said: “[Muhammadu] Buhari wasted Nigeria’s time for eight years. And he appointed people who failed and he kept on extending their period in office. That is very wrong.

“He has accused all [previous] governments of corruption. All the ills of Nigeria, he accused all the previous governments [of being responsible for them]. Yet, his government has proven the worst in the history of Nigeria.”

The former lawmaker also stated that Nigeria can be a united and prosperous nation if the leaders “lead with the fear of God and a determination and commitment to fulfil your pledges”.
Sani added: “It has been 63 years since our political independence and when you go through the manifestos of Nigeria’s first-generation politicians, it’s about light, water, education, bridges, unity. And here we are, over six decades; we are still talking of the same thing. So, I believe that the Nigeria of our dream should be the different one that we inherited; an improved version of it.”



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