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IPOB: Murdered Northern Woman , 4 Kids Buried Amid Tears In Anambra

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Sympathizers and neighbors could not hold back their tears as the remains of the pregnant woman, Harira Jubril and her four female children from Adamawa State recently brutally murdered by members of the proscribed Indigenous people of Biafra IPOB in Anambra were buried in the state.

The interred children includes Fatima, 9; Khadijah, 7; Hadiza, 5 and Zaituna, 2,. and they were buried in Awka, the Anambra State capital amid uncontrollable tears by sympathizers .

Devastated husband of the woman, Jubril Ahmed, said that he changed his plan to transport the corpses to his hometown in Adamawa State because the lifeless bodies were not preserved and had started decomposing.

He said following the ugly development which has shattered his life, he was relocating to Adamawa to start a new life as the proscribed group had wiped out his entire family.

According to him, “As I’m talking to you now, I’m on my way to Adamawa State my hometown and I’m relocating there completely to start a new life over there from the beginning, as they have eliminated my whole family.

“The governor of Anambra State, Chukwuma Charles Soludo, has supported me with N500,000 five hundred thousand naira and I also appreciate my friends and relatives who have been supportive since when the incident happened.” Ahmed stated.

“All the people from the North have vacated for fear over their safety, they’ve all returned home; while others are on their way back.

Nigeria’s president, Muhammadu Buhari, had on Wednesday condemned in its entirety what he described as “wild, barbarous and wanton killings of innocent people” in the South-East and the other parts of the nation.

The Nigerian leader in a statement on Thursday by his spokesman, Garba Shehu, warned the perpetrators of the “deeply distressing” acts to expect tough response from the security forces.

Buhari equally cautioned against any knee-jerk reactions, the creation of panic, disruption of lives and livelihoods, retaliatory violence following the viral videos of the alleged killings of non-indigenes by the Eastern Security Network (ESN) and its mother terrorist group, IPOB.

The president said expert agencies were now verifying the factuality and veracity of the claims that accompanied the horrid pictures being circulated.

He however, called on all citizens to avoid hasty steps or conclusions that could exacerbate the situation, urging them to keep to a line of conduct that will help the law to take its proper course.

The president also cautioned the public against the indiscriminate sharing of posts on social media so as to deny vested interests who seek to divide us and create disturbance the chance to do so.

Similarly, Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has described the killing of a pregnant woman, Mrs. Harira Jubril and her children in Anambra State as “callous, brutal and demeaning”.

The VP in a statement issued Wednesday by his spokesman, Laolu Akande, said the incident was capable of creating ethnic conflict across the country and must be condemned by all.

“What took place in Anambra with the killing of a woman and her children demeans us all. It’s such a callous act and so brutal.

“We must be very careful, as a people, with this type of killings that are going on, especially where it’s obviously to create such horror, annoyance and create a situation where we begin to have ethnic conflicts again and all that.

“I think we must all be careful and condemn it in the strongest possible terms, there is no excuse for it whatsoever. We must not allow a situation where we get to the point where we even countenance individuals who can do this sort of thing.

How does anyone kill a woman and her children? It’s such a terrible tragedy condemnable by all. Mr President has spoken about it and I just want to join my voice with those of others who are completely outraged by it.

Also, the Christian Association of Nigeria CAN has condemned the killing, saying IPOB is creating an atmosphere for ethno-religious wars.
Spokesman for the Christian body, Mr Adebayo Oladeji, quoted the CAN President Samson Ayokunle, as asking whether IPOB was “fighting for a country for the dead or the living?

“They should know that their criminalities are not helping the case of their leader, Nnamdi Kanu. They should not turn the South East to a ‘no man’s land’ in the interest of the founding fathers of this country who hailed from the zone.

“Their actions are not only giving the Ndigbo bad name, but they’re creating an atmosphere for ethno-religious wars. Will a reasonable group be committing crimes like this?”

“This criminality is totally unacceptable, unjustifiable and reprehensible to CAN and all right thinking people. We call on the security operatives to wake up to their responsibilities.

“The criminals are now operating with impunity while those who are expected to stop or apprehend them appear powerless. “This cannot be the dream country of those who fought for her independence from the colonial masters.

“It’s disheartening and unfortunate that nowhere is safe again in the country as killers, bandits, terrorists and kidnappers are on rampage in every nook and cranny of the country and all the government is able to do is to issue periodic statements condemning them without any decisive action to bring culprits to book.

The Christian umbrella body in Nigeria therefore, challenged the political elite, religious leaders and the traditional rulers of Igbo extraction to prevail on the violent groups in the eastern part of the country to stop needless bloodshed and tension ,they were causing for economic prosperity and wellbeing of the

African Examiner reports that South East Nigeria particularly Imo and Anambra States have been under serious attacks in the last one year by criminal elements now known as unknown gun men that have sent scores of innocent citizens to their untimely graves.


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