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Jobberman, REDFoundation To Train Unemployed Girls in Enugu On Soft Skills

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – A private  job opportunity providing firm, Jobberman Nigeria, in partnership with an Enugu based Non government organization NGO, Rural Engagement and Development Foundation (REDFoundation) Tuesday commenced training of over 25,000 unemployed girls on soft skills in Enugu State.

The Soft Skill training project  sponsored by MasterCard Foundation is being organized for participants drawn from the seventeen local government area of the state

In his speech at the official flag -off of the training, Head of Youth Engagement and Learning of Jobberman Nigeria, Mr. Innih Ikhide said the purpose of the project was to tackle the alarming youth unemployment in the country, adding that it is also designed to help reduce unemployment in Enugu state.

Ikhide who hinted  that their target was to train 25,000 women between the ages of 18-35  on relevant and right skill to provide them with job opportunities, said the project   would drastically reduce youth unemployment in the state

According to him, “We are  here in Enugu to flag-off soft skill project which is sponsored by MasterCard Foundation.

“The aim of this project is to reduce the problem of unemployment in the country, especially providing opportunity for youths by equipping them with right and relevant skills. We learnt that the unemployment was because they don’t have relevant skills.

“The project is sponsored by MasterCard Foundation to further reduce the unemployment issue in the country. We’re working to equip 25,000 women at the age range of 18-35 years,”

In his address earlier,  the Executive Director of REDFoundation, Comrade Ozor Ugonna Kingsley, had expressed appreciation to Jobberman Nigeria for using his organization to carry out the training exercise  for the young women in the state,  assuring to sustain the fellowship for the benefit of all across board.

He remarked that the Soft Skills Training Project extended to them has undoubtedly availed REDFoundation with an invaluable insights and a new set of Opportunities for Organizational Development and Strengthening.

The Executive Director stressed that the foundation will take the training to all the communities across the 17 local government area in the state that indicated  interest to have their youths gain soft skill training “after the flag-off today.

He equally  hinted they will conduct institutional training in places like churches or schools which have up to 250 young women, staying that the training is free.

“We at REDFoundation take pleasure in placing premium to the development of Women and Youths alike and to the extent we have delivered on this mandate, our vigour in the pursuit of an inclusive society has been rewarding and had continued to point us towards a promising future, altogether.

Ozor, stated that ,”Our courage on going on this journey of entrenching Social Good through the road Less traveled has not gone unchallenged. We can only endeavour to resolve to continue the good works God has always enabled us to do against all odds.

“We at REDFoundation remains grateful to Jobberman Nigeria for considering us for this landmark opportunity for Young Women in Enugu State and we hope to sustain the tempo of this fellowship for the benefit of all, across board”.

Our Correspondent writes that some of the dignitaries who spoke at the event, including Commissioners from various Ministries who were represented by Directors and Head of departments, advised the participants to take the training opportunity very seriously for their own interest.


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