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Kinswomen Of 11 Year Old House Help Abused By Anambra Woman Protest, Demand Justice

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Kinswomen of eleven years Old househelp, Miss Happiness Nwafor from Awgu Council area of Enugu state, who was recently violently brutalized with hot knife and electric ion by her madam, Adachukwu Cukelu Okafor at Onitsha Anambra state Wednesday staged a peaceful protest in Enugu, demanding  justice for the victim.

The perpetrator, had alledgdly used hot knife and electric iron to severe different  parts of the little girl’s body, including her Virgina, an action that  has continued to generate reactions and Condmnation from various quarters, after the photographs went viral on social media.

Adachukwu, who hails from Umoji, Anambra state, but resides in the Commercial city of Onitsha, perpetrated the barbaric and wicked act on the victim over allegation that the house help  fumbled with her eight year old daughter’s private part while bathing her.

Speaking with newsmen during the protest which commenced at about 8am at the Micheal Okpara square Enugu, Founder/ president, Umuada Awgu Progressive Association otherswise  known as Umuada Awgu Global, Ambassador Chinemerem Anyi, who led the exercise, said they are sad and heart broken over the barbaric act meted against their little daughter by her madam Adachukwu.

She explained  that they decided to stage the  protest so as to register their displeasure over the inability of the police in Anambra state to arrest the perpetrator of the heinous crime after over one week she committed the barbaric act.

Ambassador Anyi, who described the act as barbaric and perpetrator as a “wild beast and animal”,  vowed that the group will not rest on its oars untill Justice is served in the matter, adding that they are going to fight it with available legal means and last drop of their blood.

“So, we  staged this peaceful protest to register our disenchantment that up till now, the killer woman, and human butcher , Adachukwu is yet to be arrested by the police in Anambra state.

While, thanking governor Peter Lbah of Enugu state and Wife, Mrs. Nkechi Mbah, as well as state Commissioner for Child, Gender and Social Affairs Hon Ngozi  Enih for their swift intervention on the matter, she urged them to intensify miore  efforts in ensuring that the perpetrator  is brought to book.

Ambassador Anyi said ” I want to also crave the indulgence of governor Mbah to prevail on security agents  snd the Anambra state government to do the needful on this matter.

Our Correspondent who covered the  protest, reports that some of the places visited by the  women  who were clad in red T- shirts during the exercise included the state Ministry of Child Gender and Social Affairs, Enugu Network Centre of the Nigerian Television Authority NTA, state House of Assembly, amongst other places

They had displayed various plycards with inscriptions such as “we demand justice for Happiness Nwafor”, enough of Child abuse”. “Umuada Awgu Progressive Association demands justice for Happiness, prison for Adachukwu the killer”

Nigeria police force arrest Adachukwu now! Enugu state House of Assembly we need your action” Umuada Awgu Progressive Association has zero tolerance for abuse of our children.” Amongst others

Addressing the protesters, at the premises of her Ministry, the Child and Gender Affairs Commissioner,  Hon. Mrs. Enih, who spoke through the Head of Departments, Child development in the Ministry, Mrs. Clemetina Ugwu, accompanied by a Director in the office Mrs. Esther Mbah,, had thanked the women for the peaceful manner they carried out the protest.

She assured them that  the state government is fully determined in ensuring that justice is served in the matter, stressing that the present administration under governor Mbah’s watch do not toy with issues concerning children.

According to the Commissioner, it is against the backdrop of the importance the state government attaches to issues relating to children that she and some of the Ministry Staff swiftly went to Anambra state the very day the matter was brought to the public domain with a view to getting first hand information, adding that while in Anambra she had a fruitful discussion with her counterpart in the state.

She also informed the Awgu protesting women that the Wife of Anambra state governor, Mrs. Soludo is head bent that justice is served in the matter

Recalled that governor Charles Soludo of Anambra State had announced that  his administration has begun prosecution of the perpetrator .

The incident happened in Akpaka, Onitsha in Onitsha North Local Government Area of Anambra State in January, less than one week the perpetrated started living with the girl.

The Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare in Anambra, Ify Obinabo, has since rescued the survivor from the suspect, according to a statement by the commissioner’s media aide, Chidinma Ikeanyionwu.

She said the commissioner was notified of the incident by a human rights group, Defend Your Rights Foundation, on Thursday.

Mrs Obinabo, who immediately took the survivor to an undisclosed hospital, said the suspect was quoted by neighbours as boasting that “nothing will happen” because she is a lawyer.

Meanwhile, investigation by our Correspondent has revealed that Adachukwu is not yet a lawyer, but just graduated as a law student, and yet to go to law school.


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=93754

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