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Long Blackout Looms As Electricity Workers’ Union Begin Indefinite Strike

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Nigerians may likely face challenge of persistent nationwide blackout as electricity workers begin indefinite strike Wednesday morning.

Assistant Secretary General of National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) Comrade Anthony Sule said in a statement issued in Jos, the Plateau State capital that the 21-day ultimatum given to Minister of Power Saleh Mamman expired at midnight on Tuesday, hence the industrial action Wednesday.

Sule stated: “The Ministry of Power has failed to resolve some issues affecting members of the union since 2013 when the power sector was privatised especially issues that with the over 2,000 disengaged former PHCN workers and their pay off.”

The union Leader alleged that some of the unresolved issues include illegal transfer of union properties to power investors and the alleged refusal by some distribution companies (DisCos) to remit deducted contributory pension of their members of staff  to pension managers.

He added that the issues were contained in a memo dated November 7, 2019 to the Minister.

Report said last night the General Secretary of NUEE Comrade Joe Ajaero regretted that the Ministry of Power failed  to respond promptly and positively  to the strike notice, given by the union  .

Ajaero claimed that the only response from the Ministry of Power was the letter sent to the union on the November 18. He explained that in the letter, the Minister assured the union that something would be done immediately when he settled down.

The unionist said after waiting, the body again wrote the Minister on December 6, but claimed up till yesterday (Tuesday), nothing had been done.

Comrade Ajaero confirmed that the strike letter was sent to the Ministry of Power, adding that there was one letter, claiming that the Minister is not in the country, yet, ’’still studying the situation’’

He said the union made sure that it sent its letter to all the relevant authorities in the power sector, including security agencies.

Mr Ajaero also confirmed that the strike notice was published in one of the national dailies to ensure that no one would claim not to have seen it.

The union said the decision to down tools remained the only option since efforts to dialogue with the Federal Government (FG) to resolve the lingering industrial crisis in the sector has been frustrated.

Checks by AFRICAN EXAMINER Wednesday morning indicated that the industrial action paralyzed activities at the Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos  headquarters of Ikeja Electric.


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