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Prominent Democrats Oppose Neil Gorsuch For Apex Court Appointment

BALTIMORE, MD (AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Prominent Democrats have strongly opposed President Donald Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch for the vacant position in the Supreme Court.

Mr. Trump named the Colorado appeals court judge on Tuesday to replace the late Antonin Scalia.
Still, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer expressed reservation and said he had “very serious doubts” about Judge Gorsuch’s nomination.

Similarly, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren accused the nominee of conniving with large companies against American workers.

Two of Judge Gorsuch’s most high-profile appeals court rulings held he was supporting business owners who objected on religious grounds to funding birth control via staff insurance plans.

If confirmed by the Senate, Judge Gorsuch, 49, would restore the court’s conservative 5-4 majority, lost when Justice Scalia died.

Former Democrat Presidential aspirant Bernie Sanders has also insisted Justice Gorsuch “must explain his hostility to women’s rights, support of corporations over workers and opposition to campaign finance reform”.


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