RUGA as Systemic Agenda to Islamise Sections Of Nigeria, Says Igbo Leaders
Featured, Latest Headlines, News Sunday, July 7th, 2019
From Ignatius Okpara, Enugu
(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The Association of South-East town unions (ASETU) has called on President Mohammadu Buhari to outrightly cancel the RUGA policy, saying the “mere suspension as announced is a pretentious half hearted measure designed to douse the overwhelming national opposition and anticipated revolt.
It declared that the suspension “is also a deceitful measure to buy time and to reintroduce the policy later after repackaging.
The association stated this in a communique issued at the end of its extraordinary crucial meeting held in Enugu on Saturday which was attended by the national and state executives, as well as zonal and local governments Coordinators.
According to the communique signed by the National President of the body, Chief Emeka Diwe, and National Secretary, Hon. Gideon Adikwuru, “(ASETU) now believe that there is a serious, deliberate and systematic agenda to bloodily islamise, over-run, occupy and take over some sections of the country, particularly the South East and Igbo land.
It said: “All the above mentioned participants are Presidents-General of Town Unions in the Southeast States, adding that the meeting deliberated on burning issues, especially, the state of Igbo nation.
“Having observed the state of insecurity in Nigeria and particularly in the South East, and having noted the commentaries of many regional social cultural groups such as Ala Igbo development foundation , (ADF), Ohaneze Ndi Igbo, PANDEF, Afenifere Odua peoples Congress OPC, Ijaw Youth Council IYC, Middle Belt Forum and other regional Organizations, ASETU, further noted with dismay the following:
“That the past and immediate actions, proposals utterances and body language of the Fulani and their Islamic brothers both within and outside Igbo land all point to our belief that Igbo land is now unsafe, vulnerable and insecure. They include among numerous others
“The wanton killing and maiming of our people: men, women and children in many communities; raping of our wives and women; destruction of our farmlands and deliberate excavation of freshly planted seedlings for their cattle to eat; arson and destruction of houses, stealing, etc.
Buying of large portions of our land to create colonies (Zango) for themselves, using our people as surrogates.
“Occupation of many parts of Igbo forests, up to 139 points identified and suspected burying of arms and ammunition in these forests.
It also condemned “the proposal by the Miyetti Allah cattle breeders Association and Fulani herdsmen (with obvious support from their behind-the-scene) sponsors to set up their own Fulani-vigilante groups in our home land, a move we consider as not only strange and bizarre, but also an affront on Igbo sensibility.
The group equally frowned at “the Ruga initiative which is an illegal, forceful takeover of community heritage lands for occupation by the fulanis in the guise of cattle ranches, a policy allegedly suspended ostensibly due to electrocuting opposition from the generality of Nigerians.
It decried ” the 30 day ultimatum by the faceless but fascist coalition of Northern group led by Abdul-Azeez Suleman and sponsored by Fulani elites to President Buhari to implement the Ruga initiative
“In view of the foregoing and others not mentioned here, we the Town Unions in Igbo land represented by the Association of South East Town Unions, ASETU, hereby affirm and resolve as follows: that we decry, appose and vehemently reject any form of Islamisation and Fulanisation of any part of the SouthEast region and indeed Igbo land, or any such move that would remind us of the 1967-1970 civil war.
“That we consider the proposal by the Miyetti Allah Association to set up their own vigilante groups on our soil where we already have our own local vigilantes as not only an affront and a slap on our face, but also treacherous, vexatious, deceitful and provocative; and therefore a serious threat to our existence as a people.
“ASETU views the 30-day ultimatum given to President Buhari by the coalition of Northern Group to implement the Ruga initiatives as an indirect ultimatum by another Islamic Terrorist organization in the making to the areas they want to Islamize.
“Such utterances are no longer worrisome to Igbo Town Unions and we do not intend to trade words on this issue. However, Abdul-Azeez and his co-travellers in the so-called Northern Coalition Group are advised to take note of the story of and be wary of the “RATTLESNAKE”.
“We call on our Fulani and Moslem brothers to respect our identity and descendancy as a person and to respect our territory as Igbo nation. We caution a foreclosure of any further attacks or plans of attack on us as this may attract reprisals.
“We caution every Igbo community to be mindful of any proposal to buy large portions of land in their domain. We hereby call on all Igbo Town Union Leaders to liaise with their traditional rulers to subject such proposals and offers to proper scrutiny as this would turn to gateways of surreptitiously entering into our communities to carry out nefarious activities.
It added: “We also resolved to pursue a conscious and well coordinated provision of “home-security” in all parts of Igbo land, anchored on the original concept of town unionism in partnership with all traditional institutions.
“We call on all Igbo sons and daughters to be alert, vigilant and security conscious and to rise up in defence of themselves, their kiths and kins and the Igbo nation with whatever form and formular available in the event of any unwarranted attack, provided it is within the ambits of the Law.
“We encourage each and every community in Igbo land to revive, enforce and maintain its local vigilant and youth organizations and partner with their various hunters unions and all local traditional institutions to take over the maintenance and provision of security in their domains.
” They should henceforth organize and group themselves to embark on regular bush combing exercises so as to identify as well as forestall any impending security threats. We charge every community to defend itself and its people.
“The Town Union Leadership in Igbo Land resolved to maintain communication and synergy with the traditional rulers of Igbo land through regular meetings and interface with their leadership in our various states.
“We also resolved to meet and interface with the Governors of the South East States through their forum and to always inform them of the happenings in our local communities through our communication with the local, town, and autonomous community unions.
“We call on our Governors of the South East, and the various State Houses of Assembly to enact uniform legislation on security, that will be operative in the whole region and to partner with the Town Unions for the protection, peace and orderliness of our people.
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