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South Africa Urges End to US, EU Sanctions Against Zimbabwe

 (AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The South African foreign minister on Monday reiterated a call for an end to U.S. and EU sanctions against Zimbabwe.

Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Naledi Pandor, was speaking in Pretoria at a seminar to discuss “the best path to a prosperous Zimbabwe”.

The sanctions have to be removed for Zimbabwe to move forward, she said.

Pandor said the sanctions had worsened “a debilitating crisis and social situation” in Zimbabwe and that the sanctions also affected South Africa, the region and the African continent at large.

“The imposed sanctions have not resulted in an end to the problems,” she said.

“The impact on citizens, on public services and public institutions is well known to most of us present here.”

Zimbabwe’s ambassador to South Africa, David Hamadziripi, said the sanctions had made it difficult for the country to get loans./



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