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Syrian President, al-Assad Makes First Visit To Russia After Four Years Of War

The Syria’s President, Bashar al-Assad has made a secret visit to Moscow, his first overseas trip since the outbreak of the raging civil war in the Middle East country since 2011.

The visit actually took place Tuesday evening, but was not made public until Wednesday, after the visitor, al-Assad returned to Damascus, the Syrian capital.
While the surprise visit lasted, al-Assad engaged in talks with his host and ally, President Vladimir Putin.

Against the resolution of the US backed forces to restore peace to Syria and ultimately oust al-Assad, Russia last month, launched air strikes in Syria against the “so called” Islamic State (IS) and other militant groups confronting al-Assad’s forces.

Justifying its intervention, al-Assad claimed that Russia’s involvement had stopped “terrorism” which he declared was becoming “more widespread and harmful” in the troubled country.
Putin on his part claimed Moscow’s expressed hope, in providing a “positive dynamic in the fighting”, with a long term resolution which “can be achieved on the basis of a political process with the participation of all political forces, ethnic and religious groups”.

The surprise visit by al-Assad to Russian capital was instructive. The strong message being passed to the West is that Moscow is a key player in the Middle East, as well as the fact that there cannot be solution to the ongoing Syrian bloody war, without the Russia’s input.


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