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Time To Unite In Battle Against Terrorism In Nigeria -Tukur

…Says International Community Worried About Nigeria

Ambassador-at-large, Alhaji Bamanga Tukur has condemned the two bomb blasts in Kaduna and the attempt on the life of General Muhammadu Buhari.

Immediate past National Chairman of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Bamanga Tukur

Immediate past National Chairman of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Bamanga Tukur

According to the former Chairman of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Nigeria must rise in unison now to stem the tide of terrorism in their country while joining forces with the government in stamping out the menace.

Tukur, currently in the Holy Land in Saudi Arabia for Umra said the international community was worried about the incident, particularly on the rising wave of terrorism in Nigeria.

According to the former Chairman of Peoples Democratic Party, Nigeria must rise in unison now to stem the tide of terrorism in their country while joining forces with the government in stamping out the menace.

Tukur who said he specifically held special prayer sessions about the incident with nationals of other countries in Saudi Arabia disclosed further that the rest of the world was genuinely worried that the trend of terrorism has continued to increase in Nigeria rather than abating.

In a statement he personally signed, Tukur said he was personally aggrieved that those he described as hoodlums could attempt to take the life of General Buhari, one of Nigeria’s elderstatesman, using terrorism as a cover.

He also expressed grief on the death of innocent Nigerians in the two bomb blasts in Kaduna, while empathizing with their families and those who got injured in the incident.

He said, “I am aggrieved more than ever on this new trend of terrorism which seems to put every Nigerian, irrespective of class in grave danger. What we are made to believe now is that nobody is safe anymore in the country, which we have continued to labour very hard to build.

“While I condemn this incident in totality, I join President Goodluck Jonathan, General Buhari and members of his family in rejoicing on the miracle of Buhari’s escape from the blast in Kaduna.

“I have been reflecting on the implication of what the enemies had wished for Buhari and I couldn’t help thanking the Almighty Allah that his death did not occur as planned.

“Time is no longer there for us in Nigeria to act like the ostrich with heads buried in the sand. This war is not for the government alone to fight. We must all be involved.

“The news of attempt on the life of General Buhari continues to resonate across the globe giving the number of calls I have been receiving from across the world, each person wanting me to give account of what happened.

“That tells how much the rest of the world pays so much attention on Nigeria. It was perhaps the reason nationals of other countries joined me here in Saudi in special prayers to God to stem the tide of terrorism in Nigeria”.

Expressing confidence in the counter terrorism campaign by the government of Nigeria, the Ambassador-at-large urged the Nigerian military double efforts in ensuring that acts insurgency are completely stamped out, not only in the north-east zone, but in all parts of the country as a whole.



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