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Tourist Drown on New Year Day in Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – A local tourist is feared dead after he allegedly fell into the Victoria Falls’ gorges on New Year’s Day in the afternoon while on holiday with his family.

The man believed to be aged 40 and from Harare has not been identified.

Zimbabwe Parks and police authorities launched a search party on Friday.

Zimparks spokesperson Tinashe Farawo confirmed.

“It is unfortunate that a tourist fell at the forge in Victoria Falls this afternoon. Zimparks, police and other partners are searching for him,” he said.

Sources at the majestic Victoria Falls said the man allegedly slipped while on a tour of the World Natural Wonder and fell into the gorges where he is believed to be dead.

Generally, tourists and ordinary people are prohibited from going beyond some thorn branches perimeter fence erected along the gorges for safety.

People are always encouraged to walk along concreate footpaths constructed by Zimparks although some disobey the rules with the intention of posing for pictures oblivious of the dangers of slipping down the gorge.

In 2005 a tourist from South Africa died on New Year’s Eve when he fell into the gorges while trying to recover some eyeglasses that had fallen.

In 2019, an Israeli tourist (34) drowned while swimming without a life jacket in the flooded Zambezi River near the bridge.

This adds to several other locals who have drowned over the years while swimming in the deep Zambezi waters.

Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=58684

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