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Use 21st Century Digital Tools To Better Your Lives – NGO Advises Enugu Youths

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – No fewer than 200 youths in Enugu have undergone a mentorship programme on how to take advantage of modern day digital tools to better their lives organized by a non- governmental organization (NGO), Mighty Minds Africa (MMA).

It noted there are lots of global opportunities provided by the 21st technological advancement which the youths can embrace to improve their lives.

Speaking at the weekend in Enugu during the second youth empowerment Summit, put together by the organization, Executive Director/Founder of the NGO, Ifunanya Enezuagu, stated that some of it’s focus areas includes elevating and exposing minds of young people to global opportunities.

“As a digital organization we try as much as possible to help young people through mentorship to take advantage of the digital global opportunities to better their lives.

Enezuagu, explained that “the youth empowerment Summit, is a festive, Community- focused educational event to empower local youth and local businesses through applied, hands- on learning, unique group projects and dialogue .

“We impart every participant with actionable take away to implement, adding that the summit is the manner in which the organization builds Community, and engages advocacy agents throughout Enugu and Nigeria.

“Mighty Minds Africa, works to elevate the youths to create opportunities and solutions to challenges in education, Skill acquisitions.

According to her, it also drives employment and Community issues, by creating an optimal environment focused on holistic development, social entrepreneurship and direct employment outcomes that act as catalyst for youths to pursue their ideas with confidence, become Community leaders and contributors to the structural transformation of Africa Society, thus breaking the culture of poverty

She disclosed that plans are afoot by the NGO to collaborate with the federal Ministry of youths and sports to organize the summit for youths in other parts of the country.

“At the end of this session you will be able to isolate yourself, identify skills and knowledge you have that other people will find useful”

Some of the participants who spoke during the programme thanked the (NGO) for the summit, saying it has exposed them to new ideas.


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=82354

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