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Evacuation: Nigerian Woman Delivers Baby Aboard Emirate Airline

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) –  Mrs Kafayat Amusan, one of the stranded Nigerian travelers returning from United Arab Emirates, on Wednesday delivered a baby boy on board Emirates Airline departing from Dubai to Lagos.

Mr Abdur-Rahman Balogun, Head of Media and Public Relations Office of Nigerians in Dispora Commision (NIDCOM), made the disclosure in a statement issued on Wednesday in Abuja on Wednesday.

Amusan put to bed on board the plane, 30 minutes after departure, which resulted in the plane returning to Dubai shortly after takeoff.

He said Emirates had to change to another aircraft which was now enroute to Lagos with 265 returnees on board.

The woman is currently on admission at a hospital in Dubai.

Nigerian Ambassador in Dubai, Amb. Mohammed Rimi, and staff of the embassy were in touch with the mother and baby, who are in good condition.

Meanwhile, the Chairman/CEO of NIDCOM, Mrs Abike Dabiri-Erewa, has congratulated Mrs Amusan for another addition to her family and prayed she returned safely to the country.

Dabiri-Erewa said that Amusan would return to Nigeria after obtaining birth certificate and other necessary travel documents for her baby boy.

Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=51732

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