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APC Accuses Jonathan Of Dirty Politics Over Freedom For Chibok Girls




The All Progressives Congress (APC) has accused President Goodluck Jonathan -led Administration of seeking to negotiate the timing of freedom the abducted Chibok girls so as to boost public rating and image of his government, rather than out of a genuine concern for the girls.

The opposition made this accusation in statement issued Sunday in London by its National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed.

APC alleged that the clearest evidence of the government’s manipulation of the girls’ release came during Jonathan’s recent visit to New York for the UN General Assembly.

apc-logo_14”Apparently assured, somehow, that the girls were about to be released, the Administration had set up an elaborate publicity event in New York, rented the necessary crowd and booked back-to-back interviews with the international media to enable the President to luxuriate in the girls’ release. This event was billed for the five-star Pierre Hotel in Manhattan, close to the UN Headquarters.

”Nigerians will remember that on 23 September, the military announced, on Twitter, the imminent release of the girls, only to retract the statement shortly thereafter. In the intervening period, thousands of ‘supporters’ of the President had gathered at the Pierre Hotel to welcome the President after the release of the girls, while media interviews had been booked for him.

”Such an occasion required prior organisation, and therefore prior knowledge by both the government and attendees of the timing of any release of the girls. This whole episode was timed to also coincide with President Jonathan’s speech to the UN General Assembly on the following day – September 24th – and to secure maximum advantage for the government. Somehow, the whole process collapsed like a pack of cards, to the chagrin of those seeking to exploit the innocent girls for political advantage,” APC alleged.

The statement condemned politicization of the plight of the Chibok girls, noted that since the incompetence of the incumbent  administration led to the abduction of the girls in the first instance, the same government must not seek to make political capital out of their release.

”What should be paramount is securing the release of the girls as soon as possible, not securing their release to fit with a schedule that benefits Goodluck Jonathan politically. For the girls, their parents and indeed all good people of Nigeria, this abduction saga has been a nightmare. It is time for it to end,” the party decalred.

The opposition accused that the Jonathan Administration that rebuffed appeals from well-meaning Nigerians to negotiate the release of the girls in their early days in captivity has suddenly swung into

feverish action, sending its cronies to negotiate with the abductors and even expressing the readiness to swap the Boko Haram commanders for the girls.

”We believe the government should do whatever it takes to secure the safe release of the girls. We believe nothing is too much to do to get the girls back home safely and bring the much-needed relief to their parents and families. But we suspect the government’s sudden efforts, which is undoubtedly aimed at giving a boost to President Jonathan’s candidacy for next year’s presidential election.

”This is most unconscionable, most exploitative and blatantly shameless. It confirms what we have been saying all along that the Jonathan Administration knows more about the Boko Haram insurgency than it has admitted and that the Administration is exploiting the insurgency for the President’s re-election. Decent Nigerians are undoubtedly scandalized at this exploitative and deceitful behaviour of their government and it must stop forthwith,” the statement stressed.


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